

Gelo (or Gelon, d. 478 BC, Greek: "Γέλων"), son of Deinomenes, was a 5th century BC ruler of Gela and Syracuse and first of the Deinomenid rulers.


On the death of Hippocrates, tyrant of Gela (491 BC), Gelo, who had been his commander of cavalry, succeeded him; was aligned with Theron of Acragas and married his daughter Damarete; and in 485 BC, his aid having been invoked by the "Gamoroi" (the oligarchical landed proprietors) of Syracuse who had been driven out by the populace, he seized the opportunity of making himself tyrant. Herodotus writes that this was done to strengthen Syracuse though he criticizes Gelo as antidemocratic. From this time, Gelo paid little attention to Gela, and devoted himself to the aggrandizement of Syracuse, which under his tyranny attained extraordinary wealth and influence. He moved his seat of power there, along with half the population of Gela.

When the Greeks solicited his aid against Xerxes, he refused it, since they would not give him command of the allied forces (Herodotus vii. 171). In the same year the Carthaginians invaded Sicily, but were totally defeated in the Battle of Himera, the result of the victory being that Gelo became effectively lord of all Sicily. After he had thus established his power, he made a show of resigning it, but his proposal was rejected by the multitude, and he reigned without opposition until his death in 478/7 BC. He was honoured as a hero, and his memory was held in such respect that when all the brazen statues of tyrants were condemned to be sold in the time of Timoleon (150 years later) an exemption was made in favour of the statue of Gelo (Herodotus vii.; Diod. Sic. xi. 2038).



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  • gelo — |ê| s. m. 1. Estado sólido da água. 2. Porção de água gelada. 3.  [Figurado] Frio excessivo. 4. Indiferença; insensibilidade. 5. de gelo: muito frio; insensível …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Gelo — Gelo, so v.w. Gelon …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • gelo — (del lat. «gelu»; ant.) m. Hielo …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • gelo — / dʒɛlo/ s.m. [lat. gĕlu ]. 1. a. [freddo intenso, con temperature attorno a 0 °C] ▶◀ (fam.) freddo cane, gelata. ↓ freddo. ‖ brina. ◀▶ disgelo, sgelo. b. [acqua solidificata per il freddo: la campagna era coperta di g. ] ▶◀ ghiaccio …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • gelo — 1gè·lo s.m. AD 1. condizione atmosferica di freddo intenso e pungente che si ha con una temperatura inferiore o di poco superiore a zero gradi centigradi: il gelo invernale, una giornata di gelo; estens., stagione fredda, inverno: è arrivato il… …   Dizionario italiano

  • gelo — {{hw}}{{gelo}}{{/hw}}s. m. 1 Temperatura pari o inferiore a zero gradi | (est.) Inverno | (est.) Freddo pungente. 2 Ghiaccio: campo ricoperto di –g. 3 (fig.) Impressione di freddo provocata da dolore, sbigottimento, paura: il gelo della morte …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • Gelo (disambiguation) — Gelo may refer to: *Gelo or Gelon, ruler of Gela and Syracuse (5th century BC) *The Gelao people, a Nationality of China *Gelo Racing, a racing team named for Georg Loos *Gelonus, a Scythian cityFor the meaning of gelo as a word in other… …   Wikipedia

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