- Battle of Himera (480 BC)
Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=Battle of Himera
partof=TheSicilian Wars
campaign=The First Sicilian Warhttp://www.livius.org/a/1/maps/sicily_map.gifMarco Prins-Jona Lendering] with all the Phoenician and Greek settlementsdate=480 BC
result=Syracuse remains the dominant power in Sicily
casus= Carthaginian expansion intoSicily
strength1=Probably less than the Carthaginian forces
strength2=300,000 (Ancient sources)
50,000 (Modern estimates)
casualties2=The Battle of Himera (
480 BC ), supposedly fought on the same day as the more famousBattle of Salamis , [Herodotus, [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?lookup=Hdt.+7.166.1 7.166] ] or on the same day as theBattle of Thermopylae , [Diodorus Siculus, [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?lookup=Diod.+11.24.1 11.24.1] ] saw the Greek forces ofGelo , King of Syracuse, and Theron, tyrant of Agrigentum, defeat the Carthaginian force ofHamilcar , ending a Carthaginian bid to restore the deposed tyrant of Himera. There is divided opinion among scholars about the importance of this battle, ranging from the derailing a Punic-Persian conspiracy aimed at destroying the Greek civilization [Diodorus Siculus, XI.1] to the crippling of Carthage for 70 years [Baker, G.P., Hannibal, p15-17 ISBN 0-8154-1005-0] to being just a local spat later glorified through propaganda. [Cambridge Ancient History Vol. IV p772-773]Background
Phoenician s had planted trading posts all over the coast of Sicily after 900 BC, but had never penetrated far inland. They had traded with theElymian ,Sicani andSiculi communities and ultimately withdrew without resistance toMotya ,Panormus andSolus when the Greek colonists arrived after 750 BC. [Thucydides VI.2.6] These cities remained independent until becoming part of the Carthaginian hegemony after 540 BC, probably when Malchus of Carthage "conquered all Sicily" and sent the captured booty toTyre . [Freeman, Edward A., History of Sicily, Volume 1, p283-297 – public domain book ]Carthaginian Hegemony and Greeks in Sicily
Carthage created her hegemony in part to resist Greek encroachments in the Phoenician sphere of influence. Phoenicians initially (750 -650 BC) did not resist the Greeks, but after the Greeks had reached Iberia sometime after 650 BC, Carthage emerged as the leader of Phoenician resistance. During the 6th century BC, mostly under the leadership of the Magonid dynasty, Carthage established an empire which would commercially dominate the Western Mediterranean. [Markoe, Glenn E., "Phoenicians", p54-55 ISBN 0-520-22614-3] The Phoenicians in Sicily and the Elymians had teamed up to defeat the Greeks of Selinus and Rhodes near
Lilybaeum in 580 BC, the first recorded clash between Phoenicians and Greeks incident in Sicily. The next known Greek incursion in Sicily took place 70 years later. The Greeks living in Sicily behaved pretty much like the mainland Greeks, expanding their political and commercial domain at the expense of their neighbors while keeping the Ionian/Dorian feud alive – the Doric colonies were comparably more aggressive in expanding their territory. Trade also flourished between the natives, the Greeks and the Phoenicians and the Sicilian Greeks colonies became prosperous. This prosperity enabled some of the Greek cities to start to expand their territories again, ultimately leading to the events known as the "First Sicilian War".Carthage joins the fight
Carthage and Elymians joined hands in 510 BC to oppose the expedition of Prince Dorieus, who had lost the Spartan throne and was seeking to found a colony, showed up to colonize
Eryx – after being expelled from Libya by Carthage in 511 BC. Dorieus was defeated and killed – the Greek survivors then foundedHeraclea Minoa . [Diodorus Siculus IV.23] Sicilian Greeks (probably the cities of Akragas, Gela and Selinus) fought a undated war of revenge against Carthage, which led to the destruction of Minoa and a treaty which brought economic benefits for the Greeks. [Freeman, Edward A, "History of Sicily", Volume 2, p97-100] An appeal for aid to avenge the death of Dorieus was ignored by mainland Greece, even by Leonidas of Sparta, brother of Dorieus and who later would win immortal fame at a narrow pass called Gates of Fire in 480 BC. This possibly demonstrated the futility of opposing Carthage by single Greek cities [Baker, G.P., Hannibal, p15] or the unreliability of aid from mainland Greece, a situation that would change with the rise of the Greek tyrants in Sicily.Greek tyrants
While Carthage remained engaged in Sardinia after 510 BC, most of the Greek colonies in Sicily fell under the rule of tyrants. The tyrants of
Gela ,Akragas andRhegion successfully expanded their dominion at the expense of native Sicilians and other Greek cities during 505 -480 BC, with the Dorian city of Gela being the most successful.Dorian Greeks dominate Sicily
Cleander (505-498 BC) and his brother
Hippocrates (498 -491) of Gela successfully took over both Ionian and Dorian Greek territory, and by 490 BC,Zankle ,Leontini ,Catana ,Naxos , besides neighboring Sicel lands andCamarina had fallen to Gela. Gelo, successor of Hippocrates, capturedSyracuse and made the city his capital. By using ethnic cleansing, deportation and enslavement, [Freeman, Edward A, History of Sicily, Volume 2, p130-31 – public domain book] Gelo transformed the former Ionian cities into Dorian ones and made Syracuse the dominant power in Sicily. Meanwhile Akragas, another Doric city, had taken over neighboring Sikan and Sicel lands under the tyrant Theron (488-472 BC). To forestall any conflicts between Akragas and Syracuse, Gelo and Theron married into each others families, thus creating a united front against the Sicels and Ionian Greeks of Sicily.Ionain Greeks call on Carthage
To counter this Doric threat,
Anaxilas of Rhegion from Italy, who had captured Zankle from Gela in 490 BC, allied himself with Terrilus ofHimera , and married the daughter of Terillus. [Herodotus, VII.163] Himera and Rhegion next became allies of Carthage, the tyrants even build up personal relationships with the Magonid dynasty of Carthage. Selinus, a Doric city whose territory bordered Theron’s domain, also became a Carthaginian ally – perhaps the fear of Theron and the destruction ofMegara (mother city of, Selinus), by Gelo, had played a part in this decision. Thus, 3 power blocks were delicately balanced in Sicily by 483 BC – Ionians dominating the north, Carthage the west, Dorians the east and south. The Sicels and Sikans in the interiorremained passive, and if not directly under Greek rule, did not hinder the movements of their forces. The Elmyians joined the Carthaginian alliance.Prelude
The city of Himera had once requested
Phalaris , tyrant of Akragas (570-554 BC), to rule Himera. [Aristotle, Rhetoric, II.20] Theron emulated Phalaris when he deposed Terrilus and added Himera to his domain in 483 BC. Terillos had come to power in Himera after expelling the ruling oligarchs (who had taken refuge in Akragas), and he probably lacked popular support, which may have been exploited by Theron. [Herodotus, 7.165] Terillos requested Hamilcar, Suffet of Carthage, and xenia (guest friend) of Terrilus, for aid. Anaxilas also lobbied on his behalf, and sent his own children as hostages to Carthage as a token of loyalty. After a 3 year delay, Hamilcar led a Carthaginian expedition to Sicily in 480 BC, which coincided with the expedition ofXerxes against mainland Greece.Gelo refuses Greece aid
The mainland Greeks had sent an embassy to Gelo requesting aid against Xerxes. Gelo at first complained that the Greeks spurned his request of aid against the Carthaginians in the past, but he offered to sent 24,000 foot, 4000 horse and 200 warships in addition to fully provisioning the combined Greek force in Greece if he was made the supreme commander. [Herodotus, 7.158] The Spartans objected to this, and Gelo then asked to be the commander of either the land or naval forces in exchage for his help. The Athenian envoy then objected, and the Greeks were sent packing empty handed. Gelo also hedged his bets, he sent 3 ships under Cadmus of Kos to Delphi, with instructions to offer his submission to Xerxes in case of a Persian victory. [Herodotus, 7.163] If Gelo was aware of the suggested negative consequences of a Persian victory on the course civilization, it took a back seat to saving his throne.
Carthaginian expedition
Hamilcar is said to have assembled an army numbering 300,000 soldiers from Iberia, Sardinia, Corsica, Italy, Gaul and Africa [Herodotus, 7.165] under the command of a body of Carthaginian officers, along with war chariots, 200 warships and 3,000 transports for the venture. [Diodorus Siculus XI.20] The numbers are clearly inflated, it is likely the Greek and Punic armies were of comparable size. [Cambridge Ancient History Vol. IV p772-773] The army had no siege engines and the
Etruscan s and the Elymians, allies in past struggels against Greeks, were not part of it.Carthaginian Cohorts
The core units of the army came from Africa. The heavy African infantry fought in close formation, armed with long spears and round shields, wearing helmets and linen cuirasses. The light Libyan infantry carried javelins and a small shield, same as Iberian light infantry. The Iberian infantry wore purple bordered white tunics and leather headgear. The heavy infantry fought in a dense phalanx, armed with heavy throwing spears, long body shields and short thrusting swords. [Goldsworthy, Adrian, "The fall of Carthage", p 32 ISBN 0-253-33546-9] Sardinian and Gallic infantry fought in their native gear, [Makroe, Glenn E., "Phoenicians", p 84-86 ISBN 0-520-22614-3] but often were equipped by Carthage.
The Libyans, Carthaginian citizens and the Libyo-Phoenicians provided disciplined, well trained cavalry equipped with thrusting spears and round shields. Iberians and Gauls also provided cavalry, which relied on the all out charge. Libyans also provided bulk of the heavy, four horse war chariots for Carthage. [Warry, John, "Warfare in the Classical Age", p 98-99 ISBN 1-56619-436-6]
The Sicilian Greek Army
Gelo and Theron had a well trained, battle tested army at their disposal. In addition to citizens, hired mercenaries from Greeks and Sicels augmented their forces. Gelo took out a loan from citizens to fund his war efforts, which indicates the seriousness of the situation. The Syracusan army at Himera is said to have numbered 50,000 foot and 5,000 horse – perhaps another exaggeration. [Freeman, Edward A., "History of Sicily", Vol. 2, p190 – public domain book] The size of the army of Theron is not known. The main
hoplite force cam from the citizens of the Sicilian Greek cities. They were augmented by mercenary hoplites hired from Sicily and Italy, and even mainland Greece. Some of the citizens also served aspeltast s while the wealthier citizens formed the cavalry units. Sicels and Sikan soldiers also served in the force. Mercenaries provided archers, slingers and cavalry.The Himera campaign
Hamilcar chose not to sail to Selinus and then attack Akragas, although was the coast closest to Carthage. The Carthaginian fleet, escorted by 60
triremes , sailed to Panormus instead. Hamilcar chose this course probably because restoring Terrilus was his primary objective. The conquest of Sicily, if that indeed was a consideration, took second place to his duty as a guest friend of Terrilus. The fleet was battered by storms at sea, losing the ships carrying the chariots and horses [Diodorus Siculus, XI.20] – which would be a significant factor in the coming battle. The Greek fleet, able to muster 200 ships, did not contest the crossing, in fact played no part in the coming battle.The Carthaginian camps at Himera
Hamilcar spent 3 days reorganizing his forces at Panormus, and repairing his battered fleet. The Carthaginians marched along the coast to Himera, with the fleet sailing alongside, and encamped near the city. Theron was already present in Himera [Diodorus Siculus, XI.20] with his army, but the Greeks did not interfere with Carthaginian operations. The Greek allies of Hamilcar (Greeks of Selinus and Anaxilas of Rhegion) were absent – and never joined the battle.
The city of Himera sits on top of a hill (300-400 feet high) on the western bank of the River Himera. The hill is steep in the northern, western and eastern sides but gradually slopes to the south. There are hills to the west and south of the city. [Freeman, Edward A., History of Sicily, Volume 1, p414-416 – public domain book ] The Carthaginians erected two camps near Himera. The Sea camp was set to the north of Himera by the sea, surrounded by a palisade and a ditch. The army was billeted in a separate camp to the south on a low hill west of Himera. The land and sea camps were joined by siege works. [Freeman, Edward A., History of Sicily, Volume 2, p186-189 – public domain book ]
Theron's defeat and Gelo’s arrival
It is not known if Hamilcar wished the build siege weapons at Himera or settle the issue through battle. After the camps were erected, the Punic ships dropped off provisions at the sea camp and were sent to Sardinia and Africa for more supplies. [Diodorus Siculus, XI.26] 20 triremes patrolled the sea, the rest of the ships were beached in the sea camp. [Diodorus Siculus, XI.24] Himera was not fully invested – the east and south sides were open.
Hamilcar led a picked body of men on reconnaissance mission, and defeated the Greeks in a pitched battle outside Himera. The Greeks blocked the west gates of Himera and their morale also fell, while the Carthaginian foragers ranged the territory of Himera. Theron sent messages to Gelo, who arrived with his army and encamped across the river. Gelon’s cavalry managed to capture many of the foragers, as Hamilcar had no cavalry present to counter his moves. The morale in Himera improved, and the bricked up gates were cleared on Gelo’s orders.
The Battle
Herodotus and Diodorus Siculus give different version of the battle, which are hard to reconcile. Diodorus provides a more detailed account.
Herodotus on Himera
The Greek and Punic armies fought from dawn till dusk, while Hamilcar watched the battle from his camp and offered sacrifices to Baal in a huge fire. No information on numbers, battle formation or battle site is give. When the Carthaginian army was routed itowards the dusk, Hamilcar jumped into the sacrificial fire. His body was never found [Herodotus, 7.165-7] and the Greeks erected a monument to his memory where he supposedly died. Herodotus noted that Sicilian tradition held that this battle and the battle of Salamis was fought on the same day. [Lewis, Sian, Ancient Tyranny, p123-125, ISBN 0-7486- 2125-3]
Diodorus Siculus and other sources
The actions of the Greek cavalry in countering Carthaginian foragers prompted Hamilcar to send a letter to Selinus requesting them to send their cavalry to Himera on a given date Hamilcar was to offer sacrifice to Posidon [Diodorus Siculus, XI.21] – a Greek deity whose worship probably required the presence of Greeks. The letter was intercepted by the Gelo’s men. Gelo planned to use his own cavalry to impersonate the Selinute reinforcement and infiltrate the Carthaginian camp, while his army attacked the land camp.
Greeks attack the land camp
Gelo’s horsemen left their camp on the night before the appointed day, and at daybreak these horsemen arrived at the Carthaginian sea camp and were admitted into the camp. Greeks spotted them inside the Carthaginian camp from Himera and signaled Gelo. It is not known if Syracusan army was inside Gelo’s camp or had assembled somewhere outside at that time. The Greeks marched around the south end of Himera and moved towards the Carthaginian land camp. Theron and his army stayed put in Himera. The Carthaginian army left their camp and formed up on the hill, forcing the Greeks to fight an uphill battle. The struggle was fierce and long and neither side gained any advantages.
Cavalry Commandoes and death of Hamilcar
Sometime after the battle was joined the disguised Greek horsemen killed Hamilcar while he was preparing the sacrifice, and then set fire to the beached ships, causing great confusion at the sea camp. [Diodorus Siculus, XI.22] However, it is not known what further role the Greek cavalry played in the battle. The Carthaginians rushed to launch whatever ships they could save and some of the ships, overcrowded with soldiers, left the site altogether. When the news of Hamilcar’s death and the burning of ships reach the fighting armies, the Greeks pressed harder and routed the Carthaginians, who fled to their camp.
In an alternative version, Gelo ordered Pediarchos, his captain of archers, to ‘dress as the tyrant’ to impersonate him and offer sacrifices in front of the camp. Pediarchos was surrounded by archers who had concealed bows in their dress while he impersonated Gelo. Hamilcar was obliged to come out to offer sacrifices also, and the bowmen shot him down. [Polyainos I.27]
Theron takes action
Gelo’s army stormed the Carthaginian camp and the Greeks scattered to loot the tents. The Iberians of the Carthaginian army reformed, and they attacked the now disordered Greeks, inflicting severe casualties. [Polyainos I.28] The Greeks fought back, but they were hard pressed and the Iberians got the upper hand in the struggle. At this critical juncture Theron decided to join the battle. He directed his attack on the flank and rear of the Iberian position inside the camp and also set fire to tents near them. The Iberians finally gave way, and retreated to the ships still afloat. [Diodorus Siculus, XI.24] Other Carthaginian survivors left the camp and retreated to a hill inland, where they attempted to defend themselves. The hill was waterless and they were ultimately forced to surrender. [Diodorus Siculus, XI.21] About half of the Carthaginian army and majority of the fleet was destroyed, numerous prisoners and rich booty had fallen into Greek hands. It is commented that the surviving Carthaginian ships were sunk in a storm on their return journey to Africa. [Diodorus Siculus, XI.21]
Gelo and Theron did not attack Rhegion or the Carthaginian territory in Sicily after the battle. Carthage, initially manned the city walls and prepared foran a Greek invasion of Africa, did not renew the struggle either. Gelo offered mild terms to the Carthaginian embassy that arrived asking for a ceasefire. Carthage paid 2,000 silver talents as indemnity, erected two monuments in the mempry of Himera but lost no territory. Selinus and Rhegion also came to terms with Syracuse and Anaxilas married his daughter to Hieron I, brother of Gelo. The status quo before the battle was reestablished - Terrilus being the ultimate loser. Greek culture and trade flourished in Sicily, Gelo, Theron and Hieron built public buildings using the slaves and spoils gained from the battle. An era of prosperity began, but infighting among the tyrants ensured that the peace was not unbroken. Carthage focused on expanding in Africa, leaving Sicily alone for 70 years. Apart from an obscure clash in 454 BC, the Greeks and Phoenicians left each other alone in Sicily.
Himera remained a possession of Akragas until 472 BC. Theron expelled the Ionians after they attempted a coup and settled the city with Dorian Greeks. By 466 BC, the Sicilian Greeks cities had broken away from the dominions of Gelo and Theron and had overthrown the tyrants’ heirs, so in place of 3 Greek powers blocks dominating Sicily (those of Syracuse, Akragas and Rhegion), 11 bickering Greek commonwealths and came into being by 461 BC. They continued the Ionic/Doric feud in full force in addition to threatening the native Sicilians. Their actions ultimately led to the "Second Sicilian War" and the final destruction of Himera in 409 BC.
*Diodorus Siculus . "Diodorus Siculus: The Library of History". Translated by C. H. Oldfather. Twelve volumes.Loeb Classical Library . Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann, Ltd. 1989. Vol. 2. Books 2.35–4.58. ISBN 0674993349. Vol. 7. Books 15.20–16.65. ISBN 0674994280. Vol. 10. Books 19.66–20. ISBN 0674994299.
*Herodotus ; "Histories",A. D. Godley (translator), Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1920; ISBN 0674991338. [http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?lookup=Hdt.+1.1.0 Online version at the Perseus Digital Library] .External links
* [http://www.livius.org/a/battlefields/himera/himera.html Livius Picture Archive: battle of Himera (480 BCE)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Battle of Himera — Two notable battles which were fought in the ancient world are called Battle of Himera :*Battle of Himera (480 BC) fought in Himera *Battle of Himera (311 BC) fought near Imera River … Wikipedia
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