Hermann Franz Moritz Kopp

Hermann Franz Moritz Kopp

Infobox Scientist
box_width =

image_size =150px
caption = PAGENAME
birth_date = October 30, 1817
birth_place =Hanau
death_date = February 20, 1892
death_place =
residence =
citizenship =
nationality = German
ethnicity =
field = chemistry
work_institutions =
alma_mater = University of Marburg Heidelberg
doctoral_advisor =
doctoral_students =
known_for = boiling point of compounds
author_abbrev_bot =
author_abbrev_zoo =
influences =
influenced = Liebig
prizes =
religion =
footnotes =

Hermann Franz Moritz Kopp (October 30, 1817 – February 20, 1892), German chemist, was born at Hanau, where his father, Johann Heinrich Kopp (1777-1858), a physician, was professor of chemistry, physics and natural history at the local lyceum.

After attending the gymnasium of his native town, he studied at Marburg and Heidelberg, and then, attracted by the fame of Liebig, went in 1839 to Gießen, where he became a "privatdozent" in 1841, and professor of chemistry twelve years later. In 1864 he was called to Heidelberg in the same capacity, and he remained there till his death.

Kopp devoted himself especially to physico-chemical inquiries, and in the history of chemical theory his name is associated with several of the most important correlations of the physical properties of substances with their chemical constitution. Much of his work was concerned with specific volumes, the conception of which he set forth in a paper published when he was only twenty-two years of age; and the principles he established have formed the basis of subsequent investigations in that subject, although his results have in some cases undergone modification.

Another question to which he gave much attention was the connection of the boiling point of compounds, organic ones in particular, with their composition. In addition to these and other laborious researches, Kopp was a prolific writer. In 1843-1847 he published a comprehensive "History of Chemistry", in four volumes, to which three supplements were added in 1869-1875. "The Development of Chemistry in Recent Times" appeared in 1871-1874, and in 1886 he published a work in two volumes on "Alchemy in Ancient and Modern Times".

In addition he wrote (1863) on theoretical and physical chemistry for the Graham-Otto "Lehrbuch der Chemie", and for many years assisted Liebig in editing the "Annalen der Chemie" and the "Jahresbericht".

He is not to be confused with another chemist, Emil Kopp.

ee also

*Kopp's Law


*cite journal
title = Sitzung vom 22. Februar 1892
author = Hr. A. W. v. Hofmann
journal = Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft
volume = 25
issue = 1
pages = 505–523
year = 1892
url =
doi = 10.1002/cber.18920250185

*cite journal
title = Vater Kopp": Bio-, Biblio- und Psychographisches von und uber Hermann Kopp (1817-1892)
author = Max Speter
journal = Osiris
volume = 5
issue =
pages = 392–460
year = 1938
url = http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0369-7827(1938)1%3A5%3C392%3A%22KBBUP%3E2.0.CO%3B2-5
doi =

*cite web
url = http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/seta/2002/11/28/stories/2002112800170300.htm
title = Hermann Kopp (1817-1892): First historian of chemistry

*cite journal
quotes = yes

title=Richard Laurence Millington Synge: 28 October 1914 - 18 August 1994
journal=Biographical memoirs of fellows of the Royal Society. Royal Society (Great Britain)
publisher = | location = | issn =
pmid = 11619340
bibcode = | oclc =| id = | url = | language = | format = | accessdate = | laysummary = | laysource = | laydate = | quote =

*cite journal
quotes = yes
first=R A
coauthors=Shampo M A

title=Richard Laurence Millington Synge
publisher = | location = | issn =
pmid = 357767
bibcode = | oclc =| id = | url = | language = | format = | accessdate = | laysummary = | laysource = | laydate = | quote =

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