- Council-manager government
In the council-manager form of government, an elected city council (typically between five and 11 people) is responsible for making
policy , passingordinance s, votingappropriation s, and having overall supervisory authority in the city government. In such a government, themayor (or equivalent executive) will perform strictly ceremonial duties or will act as a member andpresiding officer of the council, similar to achairman . The council will appoint acity manager or administrator who will be responsible for supervising government operations and implementing the policies adopted by the council. The manager serves the council, usually with acontract that specifies duties and responsibilities. Ideally, the manager is apolitical, but this is often difficult.Municipal governments are usually administratively divided into several departments, depending on the size of the city. Though cities differ in the division of responsibility, the typical arrangement is to have the following departments handle the following roles:
#Urban planning andzoning :
#Economic development andtourism
#Public works - construction and maintenance of all city-owned or operated assets, including the water supply system,sewer , streets, stormwater,snow removal ,street sign s, vehicles, buildings, land, etc.
#Park s andrecreation - construction and maintenance of city parks, common areas,parkway s, publicly-owned land, operation of various recreation programs and facilities
#Emergency medical services
#Emergency management
#Accounting /finance - often tax collection,audit s
#Human resources - for city workers
#Legal counsel/risk management - legal matters such as writingmunicipal bond s, ensuring city compliance with state andfederal law , responding to citizenlawsuit s stemming from city actions or inactions.
#Transportation (varies widely) - if the city has a municipalbus orlight rail service, this function may be its own department or it may be folded into the another of the above departments.
#Information technology - supports computer systems used by city employees; may be also responsible for a city website, phones and other systems.
#Housing departmentThe council-manager system can be seen to place all power into the hands of the legislative branch. However, a city manager can be seen as a similar role to that of corporate
chief executive officer (CEO) in providing professional management to an organization. Council-manager government is much like a publicly-traded corporation. In acorporation , theboard of directors appoints a CEO, makes major decisions and wields representative power on behalf of shareholders. In council-manager government, the city council appoints a city manager, makes major decisions, and wields representative power on behalf of the citizens.The
International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is aprofessional organization for city managers. It was founded in 1914, and has more than 8000 members worldwide.In
New England , where municipal government is often invested in an incorporatedtown , the city manager may be called town manager, and the council can often be referred to its traditional name ofboard of selectmen .History of the council-manager government in the United States
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