Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem
- Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem
The Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem is a clerical Institute of Consecrated Life in the Catholic Church, founded in 2002 in the Diocese of La Crosse, and currently located in Chesterfield, Missouri, in the Archdiocese of Saint Louis. This institute celebrates the traditional Latin Liturgy (Tridentine Mass) according to the rites of 1962, as promulgated by Pope John Paul II's motu proprio "Ecclesia Dei" of 1988. The members live in community under the Augustinian Rule. The institute was founded by Bishop Raymond Leo Burke and Dom Daniel Augustine Oppenheimer, Prior. [ [ Welcome ] ]
See also
* Augustinians
* Augustinian Recollects
* Bridgittines
* Order of the Canons Regular of Premontre; Norbertines founded by St. Norbert (1120)
External links
* [ Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem]
* [ Catholic Encyclopaedia article - now very outdated]
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Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem — Die Canons Regular of the New Jerusalem sind eine katholische Ordensgemeinschaft. Die Gemeinschaft, die die tridentinische Liturgie pflegt, wurde 2002 in Chesterfield (Missouri), im Bistum La Crosse, begründet. Ihre Mitglieder leben nach der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
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Order of the Holy Cross (disambiguation) — Order of the Holy Cross refers to several institutions by that name: Order of the Holy Cross (Anglican) (OHC) an Anglican Benedictine community based in New York state. Canons Regular of the Holy Cross (ORC), a Catholic religious order founded in … Wikipedia