- Low Dutch Station
Low Dutch Station was established in 1780 on the middle fork of
Beargrass Creek in Kentucky. This station was settled by Dutch pioneers fromPennsylvania and was also known as New Holland Station. [http://www.northamericanforts.com/East/ky.html#nelson1] Thestation was one of a group of six forts established on Beargrass Creek during this period in this area that is now a part ofLouisville, Kentucky . The leader of the group was Hendrick Banta. [Kentucky Historical Marker no. 1848 Kentucky Historical Society] The group of settlers were a part of the "Low Dutch Company" that was a group that was structured in that it had bylaws, a formal charter, and accounting procedures. The group had as its purpose the preservation of the languange, culture and religion of the Dutch. [http://home.comcast.net/~neal4/shkylowd.htm] The Dutch traveled from a settlement near Harrodsburg to Low Dutch Station on a road which became Dutchmans Lane in St. Matthews. [bar-b-k.tripod.com/id14.html]References
ee also
Corn Island (Kentucky)
*Fort Nelson (Kentucky)
*Fort William (Kentucky)
*Long Run Massacre
*Shippingport, Kentucky
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