Paws and Tales (Animated Series)

Paws and Tales (Animated Series)

Paws and Tales (Animated Series) is an award-winning children's Christian animated series based on the weekly children's radio drama under the same name, Paws and Tales by Insight for Living and Chuck Swindoll. The animated series was produced in 2007 by [ Cliff McDowell] , who also produced the CGI version , followed by Both the animated series and radio drama was adapted from the book "Big Ideas in the Bible", also by Chuck Swindoll.

Plot Synopsis

The series focus on the adventures and stories of'the gang' of Wildwood known as CJ, Gooz, Stacy, Ned and Marsha, who go on many different and fun journeys to find out the answers to the questions in life. Each member goes through a different kind of obstacles life has in store and learn more about Christian faith and values.


"(For more information on 'Setting' see the article on Paws and Tales)"----The animated series of Paws and Tales closely follows the setting in the book and radio drama. Most of the adventures take place in the town of Wildwood, surrounded by the Wild Mountain and the Bay of Tranquility. Other memorable settings from the radio drama are included in the animated series such as the Wildwood train station.

Characters in the Series

"(See also the article Paws and Tales)"Main Characters

Paw Paw Chuck, the main character in The Wildwood Adventures, is Wildwood’s handyman, whose day-to-day trade is done at Paw Paw’s Fix-it-Shop. His main occupation, though, is providing guidance and spiritual wisdom to the townspeople of Wildwood. He has been married to Nana Cindy for almost 30 years. Having no grandchildren of their own, they have become “adopted” grandparents to many of the kids of the town.

C.J. Brown is a gregarious, fun-loving, nine-year-old bear cub who loves to be in charge. Unlike all the other cubs, he has one blue eye — his left — through which he has trouble seeing clearly. He’s a sensitive, vulnerable cub who has sought to make the most of his disability by making himself the butt of his own jokes.

Staci Clemmer is a dramatic, rough-and-tumble cub who’s as brave as a lion — afraid of nothing. She has a keen sense of humor, but unlike C.J., she has a more difficult time laughing at herself. Staci is an excellent problem solver, and she is kind and compassionate. She is famous in the town for welcoming new settlers to Wildwood with a plate of homemade chocolate-chip cookies.

Ned Cleaver, a beaver, is C.J.’s best friend and the smartest one of the bunch. His intellect is also occasionally a stumbling block. He and C.J. finish each other’s sentences and stick together as the only boys in The Club.

Pinkie Gongoozler (“Gooz” to her friends) is an insatiably curious weasel. Fascinated by anything out of the ordinary, she is easily distracted. Her off-the-wall observations keep the members of The Club on their toes. Gooz is also a very talented artist, who, beneath her goofiness, has great wisdom and insight.

Marsha Moffet is a young moose calf in the middle of a terribly awkward growth spurt — she’s all legs and not much grace. Marsha is the most tenderhearted of the bunch, and accordingly, she has compassion to spare. She is also a championship-level speller.

And Other Characters "(Not listed)"

Voice Cast

Paws and Tales Production

The production of Paws and Tales (Animated Series) started in the fall of 2006. The first season of the series, made of 13 episodes was completed in August 2007 and the second season began its production in the following month. There are 26 episodes, each running for a duration of 30 minutes and the entire series is scheduled for completion in August 2008.

External Links

[ Paws and Tales (Animated Series) Official Website]

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