- Toxodonta
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Toxodon "
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Mammal ia
ordo = †Notoungulata
subordo = †Toxodonta
subdivision_ranks = Families
subdivision = †Homalodotheriidae
†Toxodontidae Toxodonta is a
suborder of the extinctmammal ian orderNotoungulata . The group is named after "Toxodon ", the first example of the group to be discovered. The suborder includes the largest known notoungulates, members of the familyToxodontidae . Toxodontids first appeared during theOligocene in the form of "Proadinotherium ". Another well-known toxodontid is "Nesodon ", a medium-sizedMiocene toxodontid descended from "Proadinotherium" which had converted its second upperincisor s into tusks. "Toxodon" itself evolved during thePliocene alongside the related "Trigodon ", an equally largemammal which possessed a horn projecting from itsforehead , in the same way as a modernrhinoceros . "Toxodon" was a hugeherbivore (about the size of a modernblack rhinoceros ) with four toes on each hoof.Closely related to the toxodontids are two additional families: the
Leontiniidae of theEocene through Miocene and theNotohippidae . The last surviving notohippid was "Colpodon " from the late Oligocene, which was medium-sized but heavily built. Notohippids possessed molars that were superficially like those of modernhorse s.
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