- Entente Florale
The Entente Florale is an international
horticultural competition established to recognise municipalities and villages in Europe for excellence in horticultural displays. Trophies are presented annualy by tourist boards and horticultural societies of European countries. There are two categories : "Town s/Cities" (population 10,001 and upwards), and "Village s" (population up to 10,000) [ [http://www.entente-florale.eu/participation Entente Florale Europe official site - Participation] ] .History and Participation
The Entente Florale or "International Floral Decoration Competition" as it was once officially namedPaul Wasserman, Valerie J. Webster, Janice W McLean, "Awards, Honors & Prizes: International and Foreign", (Gale Group, 1999)] was founded in
1975 , initially as an Anglo-French competition. Entrants now come from nations acrossEurope . In 2008 there were 12 participating countries, including: theRepublic of Ireland ; theUnited Kingdom ;France ; theNetherlands ;Belgium ;Germany ;Austria ;Italy ;Slovenia ;Croatia ; theCzech Republic ; andHungary .Overall the competition is organised by the "Association Européenne du Fleurissement et du Paysage" ("A.E.F.P."), which is a company, incorporated under Belgian Law(s) supported by the
International Association of Horticultural Producers . Each participant country has its own organisation often supported by its own government and /or horticultural bodies and associations. [ [http://www.entente-florale.eu/efe Entente Florale Europe official site] ] The entrants are usually the winners of national competitions, such asBritain in Bloom or Ireland's Irish Tidy Towns Awards competition. Each of the competing nations send a judge to examine the other entrants and decide the winner.Previous Winners
2004 ,Harrogate won the top prize for the Towns and Villages category.In
2007 , the city ofMechelen (Belgium ) won the gold medal. The Jury said Mechelen was a "beautifully renovated city, with lovely trees and flowers, which boasts nice buildings and a perfect combination between modern architecture and national heritage" and also commented on Mechelen's clean public places. You can count 236 flower towers, 289 flower boxes, 1,119 flower baskets and 330 boxed plants.In
2008 ,Letterkenny represented Ireland. Locally there was a minor furore as all flags of competing nations were displayed in prominent areas of the city, with some difficulty encountered when locals discovered the controversial Union Jack flag hanging from a pole adjacent to the library and Paddy Delap's newsagent. The flag is still upseetting to many people angered by continuing British rule inNorthern Ireland and as such led to an intensely heated debate on local radio stationHighland Radio [ [http://www.highlandradio.com/] ] [ [http://www.highlandradio.com/shaundoherty.php] ] on the day the judges were in town. The flag was first mounted the previous day (August 7 ) and had to be taken down when some concerns were raised about its safety on a busy Thursday night. It was remounted the following day.References
External links
* [http://www.entente-florale.eu/ www.entente-florale.eu]
* [http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/environment/sheffield-in-bloom/entente-florale Sheffield City Council - Entente Florale]
* [http://ententeflorale.kilkennycity.ie/ Kilkenny City Entente Florale Website -Kilkenny is Ireland's 2006 Entry to the Entente Florale]
* [http://www.vrtnieuws.net/cm/flandersnews.be/Flanders%2BToday/tourism/070923_Mechelen]Links of participating nations homepages
* [http://www.blumenbuero.or.at Austria]
* [http://www.vlam.be Belgium]
* [http://www.fiscalis.hr Croatia]
* [http://www.szkt.cz Czech Republic]
* [http://www.villes-et-villages-fleuris.com France]
* [http://www.entente-florale-deutschland.de Germany]
* [http://viragosmagyarorszag.hu Virágos Magyarországért Hungary]
* [http://www.tidytowns.ie Ireland]
* [http://www.comunifioriti.it Italy]
* [http://www.ententeflorale.nl Netherlands]
* [http://www.rhs.org.uk/britaininbloom/ United Kingdom]Other Language Wikipedias
* [http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concours_des_villes_et_villages_fleuris Concours des villes et villages fleuris - French National Competition article]
* [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entente_Florale Entente Florale Deutschland - German National Competition article]
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