- Skiff Lake (New Brunswick)
Skiff Lake, NB, Canada
Basic Facts
Skiff Lake is located at:
Latitude = 45.8244, Longitude = -67.5462Lat = 45 degrees, 49.5 minutes NorthLong = 67 degrees, 32.8 minutes West
[http://wikimapia.org/#lat=45.8138454&lon=-67.5276375&z=13&l=0&m=a&v=2 Wikimapia Skiff Lake] [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Skiff+Lake,+NB,+Canada&ie=UTF8&ll=45.831072,-67.521801&spn=0.053585,0.109177&t=h&z=13&iwloc=addr, Google Maps - Skiff Lake, NB, Canada]
Skiff Lake is known as a glacier lake and has 27 islands. The lake is surrounded by granite rocks and so are the islands.
Fact|date=May 2008 Skiff Lake was named by Lord Northcote in 18??. Who paddled a
skiff over to an island that he had claimed. This island is now known as Northcote island [ [1] ] . A cottage was build on Northcote island and this was the first camp on an island on Skiff Lake. There is a camp named "Lady of the Lake" that is the oldest camp on the lake, on the eastern shore of the lake.There has been several outfitters on Skiff Lake. To name a few: Crombies camps, Faulks Camps, [http://www.skifflakeoutfitters.com/ Skiff Lake Outfitters] , Skiff Lake Inn.
Fish Species
Land-locked salmon
*Smallmouth bass
*Brook trout
*American eel
*White perch
*White sucker
*Burbot akaCusk
*Smelts Other Animals
*Common Merganser
*Ruby-throated Hummingbird
*Common Snapping Turtle
*Red Fox Myths and Legends
Sysladobosis Lake, in Maine, has a snake with a head like a dog's, but it is hardly worth mentioning because it is only eight feet long-hardly longer than the name of the lake. More enterprise is shown across the border, for Skiff Lake, New Brunswick, has a similar snake thirty feet long. [ [2] ]
Ice Out Dates
Compiled by:
Harley Carr 1933-1952
Bill Crossley 1953-1961
Gerald Lochart 1961-1972
Al Conklin 1973-2008
Gar Conklin 1973-2008External links
Here are some picture links:
* [http://spaceweather.com/submissions/large_image_popup.php?]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsGA9_3XtKQ Ice Run/Luge Winter Fun]
* [http://niknoir.deviantart.com/art/Skiff-Lake-NB-Sunrise-58616196 Morning Glow]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Yc1whKiIY Skiff Lake YouTube Video]Other Articles
* [http://www.ofsnational.ca/EasternCanada/skifflake.html Franciscan Shrine]
* [http://www.amazon.com/Skiff-Lake-Sightings/dp/B000R4F9QO Skiff Lake Sightings, by Joanne Collicott McGuigan (Author)]References
* Facts from William Crosley and Betty Lemming
* Myths and Legends of our Own Land, by Charles M. Skinner, [1896] , MONSTERS AND SEA-SERPENTS [http://www.sacred-texts.com/ame/lol/lol262.htm at sacred-texts.com]
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