- Paul K. Dayton
Paul K. Dayton is a biological
oceanographer and marineecologist atScripps Institution of Oceanography . Dayton works in Benthic Ecology, Marine Conservation & Policy, Evolution & Natural History, and General Ecology.During a 35 year career at Scripps, Dayton has researched coastal
Antarctic habitats and the rocky shore habitats ofWashington in order to better understand marine ecosystems. He has also documented the environmental impacts of overfishing and phenomena such asEl Niño on coastal ecology. [http://scrippsnews.ucsd.edu/Releases/?releaseID=710 Scripps' Paul Dayton Honored with New Ecology Prize] ]Dayton is the only person to win both the George Mercer Award (1974) and the WS Cooper Award (2000) from the
Ecological Society of America . In 2002 he received the Scientific Diving Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Academy of Underwater Sciences; in 2004 he was honored with the E. O. Wilson Naturalists Award from theAmerican Society of Naturalists , and in 2006 was the first recipient of theRamon Margalef Prize in Ecology and Environmental Sciences , awarded by a jury of scientists representingCatalonia , theEuropean Union , and the international ecology community. Dayton has been director ofThe Ocean Conservancy and the National Research Council Panel on Marine Protected Areas.He has been a frequent contributor to "Science" magazine. [ [http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/search?session_query_ref=rbs.queryref_1217945274298&COLLECTIONS=hw1&JC=sci&FULLTEXT=%28paul+AND+k+AND+dayton%29&FULLTEXTFIELD=lemcontent&RESOURCETYPE=HWCIT&ABSTRACTFIELD=lemhwcompabstract&TITLEFIELD=lemhwcomptitle Science Magazine Search Results (322 mentions found)] ]Important Papers
Dayton's 1971 paper titled Competition, disturbance and community organization: The provision and subsequent utilization of space in a rocky intertidal community published in Ecological Monograph has been cited 1433 times as of 8/25/2008, an impressive number considering that most ecology papers only get cited 2-3 times per year. [http://apps.isiknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=5&SID=4E@FJpCeEhk4Neeog@3&page=1&doc=1&colname=WOS]
Dayton received his
B.S. from theUniversity of Arizona ,Tucson , in 1963. He then earned a doctorate inZoology at theUniversity of Washington under Robert T. Paine, known for theKeystone species concept. [ [http://daytonlab.ucsd.edu/PKD/CV.htm PAUL K. DAYTON: Curriculum Vitae] ]References
External links
* [http://daytonlab.ucsd.edu/ Lab website]
* [http://scrippsnews.ucsd.edu/Releases/?releaseID=710 Scripps' Paul Dayton Honored with New Ecology Prize]
*YouTube|epXhQybW7k4|Paul taking about his job
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.