
A spring-loaded tab dispensed real U.S. cash or a gift certificate redeemable for trips or merchandise.

MagiCans were special cans used by Coca-Cola in a 1990 promotion. They were to compete with Pepsi's Cool Cans.

In this promotion, some Coca-Cola cans had monetary prizes or gift certificates inside instead of Coca-Cola. These cans also had springs inside of them to make the prizes pop out of chlorinated water. Though initially a great success, technical difficulties led many of the cans to malfunction, leading to numerous consumer complaints. Some of these include a flight attendant calling the bomb squad, worried because her Coca-Cola would not pour out. After the squad weighed the can, a ten-dollar bill came out.[citation needed]

Urban legend

There was a rumor in the 1990s and 2000s that a child had died drinking the liquid in one of the MagiCans. This has since been proven false.[1]

See also

External links

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