- Sparganium
image_width = 250px
image_caption = Simplestem Bur-reed ("Sparganium erectum")
regnum =Plant ae
divisio =Spermatophyte
classis =Monocotyledon
ordo =Poales
familia =Sparganiaceae
genus = "Sparganium"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = About 20 species; see text"Sparganium" (Bur-reed) is a
genus offlowering plant s, containing about 20species intemperate regions of both the Northern andSouthern Hemisphere s. It is the only genus in the familySparganiaceae . The plants are perennialmarsh plant s that can grow to anything between 0.2-3.5 m (depending on the species), withepicene flowers.The Sparganiaceae are closely related to the
Typhaceae and some classification include "Sparganium" in that family.=Summary=Sparganium is found in shallow marshes, ponds and streams across United States. It is recognized by its stalk of large spherical-like flower clusters.
Sparganium americanum "
*"Sparganium androcladum "
*"Sparganium angustifolium "
*"Sparganium antipodum "
*"Sparganium emersum "
*"Sparganium erectum "
*"Sparganium eurycarpum "
*"Sparganium fallax "
*"Sparganium fluctuans "
*"Sparganium glomeratum "
*"Sparganium gramineum "
*"Sparganium hyperboreum "
*"Sparganium minimum "
*"Sparganium natans "
*"Sparganium ramosum "
*"Sparganium stenophyllum "
*"Sparganium stoloniferum "
*"Sparganium subglobosum "
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