Desert of Jalapan

Desert of Jalapan

The Desert of Jalapn, covers an area of almost 150 thousand hectares and is the largest state park in the state of Tocantins. The vegetation is predominantly savannah of understory and field clean with footpaths.

Its strategic position has continued with the Environmental Protection Area (APA) of Jalapan, Ecological Station of Sierra General and National Park springs from the Rio Parnaíba.

The region is considered one of the biggest attractions of the Cerrado.

A feature of the region is the production of handicrafts, silk and golden grass, buriti, which became main source of income for local communities and has been the subject of studies and actions to ensure its sustainable use, ecologically and economically.

The Jalapan is a arid region dotted of oasis, located east of the state of Tocantins, with average temperature of 30 ° C, has total area of 34 thousand square kilometres, cut off by huge web of rivers, streams and "ribeirões", all the water clear and transparent.

The Jalapan covers the municipalities of Tocantins High Bridge, Mateiros, Sao Felix do Jalapan, New Agreement, Santa Tereza of Tocantins and Lake of Tocantins, occupying an area equivalent to the state of Sergipe and now the condition of state park since 2001 .

The rivers Sono, Soninho, New, Balsas, Black and Caracol banham the arid landscape and rasteira, ranging from savannah to the low meadow. Matas of gallery appear close to rivers, waterfalls, lagoons, sand dunes, mountains and chapadões of up to 800 m high.

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