- Scottish Gold
Scottish Gold is a proposed TV Channel by [SMG (The Owners of STV) and Hope a Joint Venture with the BBC. The SMG Chief Executive said they are looking for the BBC to invest in £15 Million of Public Money a Year. [1] Rob Woodward, the chief executive of SMG said at a Broadcasting Press Guild lunch, the service would be the "best of the BBC and STV" with an injection of news and current affairs as well as Scottish-based factual programming.
"It would be Scottish Gold but with some news and current affairs," he added.
This News comes just as the BBC helped set up BBC Gaelic, a Gaelic language TV service. This is also a Joint Venture between the BBC and the Gaelic Media Service.
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Gold#cite_note-0 1] [http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2008/jul/29/bbc.television?gusrc=rss&feed=media Newspaper Report]
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