- Count of la Conquista
The title was created by King Charles III in 1770, based on
Chile an estates to be inherited by primogeniture ( _es. Mayorazgo) but was extinguished with the abolition of the nobility titles by the Chilean government after the Independence of that country from Spain. OnMarch 5 ,1857 it was revived by Queen Isabella II for the heir of the last holder.Counts of la Conquista
Mateo de Toro Zambrano y Ureta , 1st Count of la Conquista (1727-1811)
*Gregorio José de Toro-Zambrano y Valdés, 2nd Count of la Conquista (1758-1816)
*Manuel María de Toro-Zambrano y Dumont de Holdre, 3rd Count of la Conquista (1798-1818)
*María Nicolasa Isidora de las Mercedes de Toro-Zambrano y Dumont de Holdre, 4th Countess of la Conquista
*Rafael Correa de Saa y Toro-Zambrano, legitimate heir to the County of la Conquista (1824-1888)
*María Nicolasa Correa de Saa y Blanco, legitimate heiress to the County of la Conquista (1852-1909)
*Julio Prado y Colón de Carvajal, 5rd Count of la Conquistaources
* [http://www.genealog.cl/Apellidos/Toro/#ToroZambranoUreta,Mateo Genealogical chart of family] es
* [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,794833,00.html 1940s Succession] es
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