- John Linsley Hood
John Linsley Hood was an electronics designer who is best remembered for his "Simple Class A Amplifier" which he designed to provide the same performance as the classic
Williamson amplifier The design was published in
Wireless World in 1969 and later updated in 1996.He wrote for a number of magazines and published a number of books including
* The Art of Linear Electronics
* Valve and Transistor Audio Amplifiers
* Audio ElectronicsHe died on 11/3/2004
His work is a cornerstone for some of the other leading audio power amplifier designers including
* Douglas Self
* Nelson PassExternal Links
* http://www.tcaas.btinternet.co.uk/jlharticles.htm The Published Articles of John Linsley Hood
* [http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=john+linsley+hood&x=0&y=0 Amazon author list]
* [http://www.tcaas.btinternet.co.uk/jlh1996.pdf Retrospective article] Electronics World, September 1996
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