Etiamsi omnes, ego non

Etiamsi omnes, ego non

Etiamsi omnes, ego non ("Also if all ones... I'll not do", kjv|Matthew|26:3334|Matthew 26:3334) is the Latin version of a phrase from the Gospel of Matthew. It contains the beginning and the end of the words of Peter to Jesus: "If all ones desert you, I'll not do".

It is written (in the variant "Et si omnes ego non") on the door of Philipp von Boeselager's home, [Citation|last=Paolo|first=Valentino|titleLa mia armata a cavallo per abbattere il nazismo»|newspaper=Corriere della Sera
] about the necessity of maintaining your personal own opinion and thought, also if all the people are on a common way different from yours (for example, the von Boeselager's dissent and fight against Hitler, during the nazist dictatorship).The title of an autobiographical work of Joachim Fest is the last part of the phrase, in the German translation: "Ich nicht".


ee also

*Latin phrases
*Philipp von Boeselager

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