- Fremantle Port Swimming Club
Fremantle Port Swimming Club is located in Fremantle and operates at Fremantle Leisure Centre.
Fremantle Port has a short but successful history. Since its establishment in September 1995, the “Freo” team has grown to become one of the best in the State of Western Australia. It happily exists as a small family based club, with the goal of providing the highest standard of coaching to its swimmers. The club is well supported by the families in its efforts to ensure each and every swimmer is given all the support and assistance necessary to achieve whatever their individual objectives may be. A positive, happy and supportive environment is one it is proud of, and one it works hard to maintain and protect. As a club it celebrates the swimmers who have reached an international standard of competition, but equally it is excited to see an ever increasing number of younger swimmers joining the club as they learn about the sport, the team and indeed themselves. Fremantle Port celebrates both effort as well as result. We reward the effort made by our members and their families on the same basis. The swim club also regularly welcome visitors from country Western Australia, the eastern states, and more frequently swimmers from overseas.
Healthy Club Policy
Fremantle Port Swimming Club recognises that smoking and passive smoking are hazardous to health. We will ensure a smoke-free environment by:
* Ensuring all areas if the Club, including the change rooms, offices and all club functions are smoke free
* Not selling Tobacco products.
* Prominently displaying no smoking material.Alcohol
The Fremantle port Swimming Club will promote the responsible adult use of alcohol by:
* Discouraging excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol eg. happy hours, drinking competitions.
* Ensuring alcohol is not served to any person who is intoxicated or under the age of 18 years.
* Ensuring adequate drinking water is always available.Other Drugs
The Fremantle Port Swimming Club discourages the use of medications in respect of injury/recovery that would enable a participant to competewhere they would not otherwise have been able.
* The use of illicit drugs and performance enhancing drugs is not permitted by any club members or patrons.
* We will adopt and be guided by the Sports Medicine Australia policy on the administration of medications by non-medical personnel.Sun Protection
Club will take all reasonable steps to address sun safe practices by:
* Scheduling activities outside the hours of 10am to 3pm.
* Maximizing the use of existing shade facilities.
* Following The Cancer Council Western Australia guidelines for SunSmart clothing and hats.
* Providing sunscreen to members and participants at training and all outdoor functions, and encouraging them to use it.Sports Safety
The Fremantle Port Swimming Club will encourage all members to adopt practices that seek to prevent injury by:
* Encouraging warm-up, stretching, and cool-down as an important component of competing and training.
* Promoting the use of protective equipment including suitable clothing and footwear for dry land training.
* Providing safe warm-up and stretching areas, first aid equipment and accredited First Aiders/Sports Trainers at all training sessions an competitions.
* Ensuring adequate public liability and competitor insurance for all members.
* Encouraging all players with a prior or current injury to seek professional advice from a sports medicine professional and be fully rehabilitated before returning to training and competitions.
* Swimmers are advised to replace fluids before, during and after, both competition and training sessions, and to have their own water bottle.
* The Club will ensure that all training aids will be maintained and kept in good working order.
* The club will ensure that all members will complete a medical form upon joining and at the start of each season,
* Promote Sportsafe strategies through newsletters, website and the club notice board.
* Allocate resources for developing and promoting sports safety initiatives (ie first aid training for club personnel).
* The Club will review sports safe policy annuallyHealthy Eating
The Fremantle Port Swimming Club recognises the importance of good nutrition for sports performance by:
* Ensuring when food is provided, healthy alternatives in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for Australian Adults are available.
* Promoting good nutrition and healthy eating messages.
* Educating swimmers and parents on the benefits of healthy eating by holding seminars.Notable Members, Past & Present
Lara Carroll "Olympic Swimmer"Fact|date=July 2008
*Natalie Woolfit "FINA World Swimming Championship Swimmer"
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.