- Lard
caption= Wet-rendered lard, from pork fatback.
sat= 38–43%:Palmitic acid : 25–28%Stearic acid : 12–14%Myristic acid : 1%
unsat= 56–62%
monoun=47–50%:Oleic acid : 44–47%Palmitoleic acid : 3%
polyun=Linoleic acid : 6–10% [National Research Council. (1976). [http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?chapselect=yo&page=203&record_id=22&Jump+to+Specified+Page.x=0&Jump+to+Specified+Page.y=0 Fat Content and Composition of Animal Products.] ; p. 203. Washington, DC: Printing and Publishing Office, National Academy of Science. ISBN 0-309-02440-4] Ockerman, Herbert W. (1991). Source book for food scientists (Second Edition). Westport, CN: AVI Publishing Company.]
energy=3770 kJ (900 kcal)
melt=backfat: 30–40 °C (86–104 °F)
leaf fat: 43–48 °C (110–118 °F)
mixed fat: 36–45 °C (97–113 °F)
smoke=121-218 °C (250–425 °F)
peroxide=Lard is pig
fat in both its rendered and unrendered forms. Lard was commonly used in many cuisines as acooking fat orshortening , or as a spread similar tobutter . Its use in contemporary cuisine has diminished because of health concerns posed by itssaturated fat content and its often negative image; however, many contemporary cooks and bakers favor it over other fats for select uses. The culinary qualities of lard vary somewhat depending on the part of the pig from which the fat was taken and how the lard was processed. Lard is still commonly used to manufacturesoap .Lard production
Lard can be obtained from any part of the pig as long as there is a high concentration of fatty tissue. The highest grade of lard, known as leaf lard, is obtained from the "flare" fat deposit surrounding the
kidneys and inside theloin . The next highest grade of lard is obtained fromfatback , the hard fat between the back skin and flesh of the pig. The lowest grade (for purposes of rendering into lard) is obtained from the softcaul fat surrounding digestive organs, such assmall intestines , though caul fat is often used directly as a wrapping for roasting lean meats or in the manufacture ofpâtés .Davidson, Alan. (2002). "The Penguin Companion to Food". New York: Penguin Books. "Caul"; p 176–177. ISBN 0-14-20-0163-5] Davidson, Alan. (2002). "The Penguin Companion to Food". New York: Penguin Books. "Lard"; p 530–531. ISBN 0-14-20-0163-5] Ockerman, Herbert W. and Basu, Lopa. (2006). Edible rendering – rendered products for human use. In: Meeker DL (ed). " [http://www.renderers.org/publications/Essential%20Rendering%20The%20Book.pdf Essential Rendering: All About The Animal By-Products Industry] ". Arlington, VA: National Renderers Association. p 95–110. ISBN 0-9654660-3-5 (Warning: large document).]Lard may be rendered by either of two processes, wet rendering or dry rendering. In wet rendering, pig fat is boiled in water or steamed at a high temperature and the lard, which is insoluble in water, is skimmed off of the surface of the mixture, or it is separated in an industrial
centrifuge . In dry rendering, the fat is exposed to high heat in a pan or oven without the presence of water (a process similar to frying bacon). The two processes yield somewhat differing products. Wet-rendered lard has a more neutral flavor, a lighter color, and a highsmoke point . Dry-rendered lard is somewhat more browned in color and flavor and has relatively lower smoke point. [Moustafa, Ahmad and Stauffer, Clyde. (1997). " [http://www.asa-europe.org/pdf/bakery.pdf Bakery Fats.] " Brussels: American Soybean Association.] Rombaur, Irma S, et al. (1997). "Joy of Cooking" (revised ed). New York: Scribner. "About lard and other animal fats"; p 1069. ISBN 0-684-81870-1]Industrially-produced lard, including much of the lard sold in supermarkets, is rendered from a mixture of high and low quality fat sources from throughout the pig. "Ask "Cook's": Is Lard an Acceptable Shortening?", "
Cook's Illustrated ", November 2004.] It is typically hydrogenated (which producestrans fats as a by-product), and often treated with bleaching and deodorizing agents,emulsifiers , andantioxidants , such as BHT. [ [http://www.motherlindas.com/lard.htm "Put Lard Back in Your Larder"] by Linda Joyce Forristal, "Mother Linda's Olde World Cafe and Travel Emporium".] Such treatment makes lardshelf stable . (Untreated lard must be refrigerated or frozen to prevent rancidity.) [Matz, Samuel A. (1991). "Bakery Technology and Engineering". New York: Springer. "Lard"; p 81. ISBN 0442308558] [http://www.thenewhomemaker.com/makeyourownlard "Make Your Own Lard: Believe it or not, it's good for you"] by Lynn Siprelle, "The New Homemaker", Winter 2006.]Consumers seeking a higher-quality source of lard typically seek out artisanal producers of rendered lard, or render it themselves from leaf lard or fatback.
A by-product of dry-rendering lard is deep-fried meat, skin and membrane tissue known as
cracklings .History and cultural use
Lard has always been an important cooking and baking staple in cultures where
pork is an important dietary item, the fat of pigs often being as valuable a product as their meat. Similarly, it is also prohibited bydietary laws that forbid the consumption of pork, such askashrut andhalal .During the 19th century, lard was used in a similar fashion as
butter inNorth America and many European nations. Lard was also held at the same level of popularity as butter in the early 20th century and was widely used as a substitute for butter duringWorld War II . As a readily availableby-product of modern pork production, lard had been cheaper and more flavorful than most vegetable oils, and it was common in many people's diet until theindustrial revolution made vegetable oils more common and more affordable.Vegetable shortenings were developed in the early 1900s, which made it possible to use vegetable-based fats in baking and in other uses where solid fats were called for.Toward the late 20th century, lard began to be regarded as less healthy than
vegetable oils (such as olive andsunflower oil) because of its high saturated fatty acid and cholesterol content. However, despite its reputation, lard has less saturated fat, moreunsaturated fat , and less cholesterol than an equal amount ofbutter by weight. Unlike many margarines and vegetable shortenings, unhydrogenated lard contains notrans fat . Despite its similar chemical constituency and lower saturated fat content than butter, lard typically incites much consternation and disapproval from many people in the English-speaking world. This may stem from attitudes and the perceived nature of the source animal for lard, or the methods required to obtain the fat from its source.Fact|date=February 2007 It is also based on the image of lard as a "poverty food".Many restaurants in the western nations have eliminated the use of lard in their kitchens because of the religious and health-related dietary restrictions of many of their customers. Many industrial bakers substitute beef
tallow for lard in order to compensate for the lack ofmouthfeel in many baked goods and free their food products from pork-based dietary restrictions.However, in the 1990s and early 2000s, the unique culinary properties of lard became widely recognized by chefs and bakers, leading to a partial rehabilitation of this fat among "
foodies ". This trend has been partially driven by negative publicity about the trans fat content of thepartially hydrogenated vegetable oils in vegetable shortening. Chef and food writerRick Bayless is a prominent proponent of the virtues of lard for certain types of cooking. [http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/pacificnw09102006/2003248134_pacificptaste10.html "The Real Thing: nothing beats lard for old-fashioned flavor"] by Matthew Amster-Burton, "The Seattle Times ",September 10 ,2006 .] [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/03/12/FD23390.DTL "Don't let lard throw you into a tizzy"] by Jacqueline Higuera-McMahan, "San Francisco Chronicle ",March 12 ,2003 .] [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health&res=9C06E3DC1E3CF932A25753C1A9669C8B63 "Light, Fluffy – Believe It, It's Not Butter"] by Matt Lee and Ted Lee, "New York Times ",October 11 ,2000 .] [http://icwales.icnetwork.co.uk/0100news/health/tm_objectid=16547930&method=full&siteid=50082&headline=heart-stopping-moment-for-doctors--as-we-re-falling-in-love--again-with-lard-name_page.html "Heart-stopping moment for doctors as we're falling in love again with lard"] by Sally Williams, "Western Mail ",January 5 ,2006 .]It is also again becoming popular in the
United Kingdom among aficionados of traditional British cuisine. This led to a "lard crisis" in early 2006 in which British demand for lard was not met due to demand by Poland and Hungary (who had recently joined theEuropean Union ) for fatty cuts of pork that had served as an important source of lard. [http://www.guardian.co.uk/food/Story/0,,1351990,00.html "Lard crisis – mince pies threatened as supplies dwindle"] byHelen Carter , "The Guardian ",November 16 ,2004 .] [http://enjoyment.independent.co.uk/food_and_drink/features/article21131.ece "Chefs prize it. The French love it. The Poles are hogging it. And now Britain's running out of it."] by Christopher Hirst, "The Independent ",November 20 ,2004 .]Culinary use
Lard is one of the few edible oils with a relatively high
smoke point , attributable to its highsaturated fatty acids content. Pure lard is especially useful for cooking since it produces little smoke when heated and has a distinct taste when combined with other foods. Manychefs andbakers deem lard a superior cooking fat or shortening because of lard's range of applications and taste.Because of the relatively large fat crystals found in lard, it is extremely effective as a shortening in
baking .Pie crusts made with lard tend to be more flaky than those made with butter. Many cooks employ both types of fat in theirpastries to combine theshortening properties of lard with the flavor of butter. [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/15/dining/15crus.html?ex=1171429200&en=0b3b9cac41ee9011&ei=5070 "Heaven in a Pie Pan – The Perfect Crust"] by Melissa Clark, "New York Times",November 15 ,2006 .]King Arthur Flour . (2003). "King Arthur Flour Baker's Companion: The All-Purpose Baking Cookbook." Woodstock, VT: Countryman Press. "Lard"; p. 550. ISBN 0-88150-581-1]Lard was once widely used in the cuisines of Europe, China, and the New World and still plays a significant role in British, Central European, Mexican, and Chinese cuisines. In British cuisine, lard is used as a traditional ingredient in mince pies and Christmas puddings,
lardy cake and for fryingfish and chips , as well as many other uses. Indeed there are some people in England that eat lard neat, especially at the lard Championships, held each year in Dorset, with 5000 people attending in the summer of 2007. [http://www.guardian.co.uk/food/Story/0,,1351990,00.html "Lard crisis – mince pies threatened as supplies dwindle"] by Helen Carter, "The Guardian ",November 16 ,2004 .] [http://enjoyment.independent.co.uk/food_and_drink/features/article21131.ece "Chefs prize it. The French love it. The Poles are hogging it. And now Britain's running out of it."] by Christopher Hirst, "The Independent ",November 20 ,2004 .]Lard consumed as a spread on
bread was once very common in Europe and North America, especially those areas where dairy fats and vegetable oils were rare.Lard generally refers to wet-rendered lard in English, which has a very mild, neutral flavor, as opposed to the more noticeably pork flavored dry rendered lard, which is also referred to as dripping or schmalz. Dripping (or "schmalz") sandwiches are still popular in several European countries - in Hungary they're known as "Zsíroskenyér" or "Zsírosdeszka", and in Germany pork fat is seasoned to make "Schmalzbrot". Similar snacks are sometimes served with beer in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia. They are generally topped with onions, served with salt and paprika, and eaten as a side-dish with beer. All of these are commonly translated on menus as "lard" sandwiches, perhaps due to the lack of familiarity of most contemporary English native speakers with dripping. Attempts to use Hungarian "Zsir" or Polish "Smalec" in British recipes calling for lard will soon reveal the difference between the wet-rendered lard and dripping. [ [http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrys/244015611/ IMG_2116] by chrys, "
Flickr.com ",September 16 ,2006 .] [ [http://www2.lib.uchicago.edu/~keith//austria/restaurants.html "Austrian Restaurant Guide"] by Keith Waclena,February 18 ,2000 .] InTaiwan ,Hong Kong as well as many parts ofChina , lard was often consumed mixed into cookedrice along withsoy sauce to make "lard rice" (豬油拌飯 or 豬油撈飯). This is less commonly served in modern times due to concerns with saturated fats.Fact|date=March 2007Other uses
Rendered lard can be used to produce
biofuel [ [http://www.journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html "Biofuels"] by Keith Anderson, "Journey to Forever: Hong Kong to Cape Town Overland" (website).] andsoap . Lard is also useful as acutting fluid inmachining . Its use in machining has declined since the mid-20th century as other specially engineered cutting fluids became prominent. However, it is still a viable option.Nutritional and chemical properties
("See" infoboxes for exact values.)
Pigs that have been fed different diets will have lard with a significantly different
fatty acid content andiodine number . Peanut-fed hogs or the acorn-fed pigs raised forJamón ibérico therefore produce a somewhat different kind of lard compared to pigs raised in North American farms that are fed corn. [Kaminsky, Peter. (2005). "Pig Perfect: Encounters with Remarkable Swine and Some Great Ways to Cook Them". Hyperion. 304 p. ISBN 1401300367]imilar fats
Cooking fat obtained from
cattle orsheep is known assuet ortallow . The fat ofchickens ,ducks , orgeese has no special English name, except inJewish cuisine , where it is known asschmaltz .Bacon grease is sometimes also used in a culinary capacity.ee also
Lardy cake , an English bread with heavy lard contentReferences
External links
* [http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/12/opinion/12kummer.html?ex=1281499200&en=10881d6d8a46930a&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss "High on the Hog"] by Corby Kummer, "New York Times",
August 12 ,2005 .
* [http://www.thenewstribune.com/soundlife/story/5160098p-4693041c.html "Praise the lard"] by Ed Murrieta, "The News Tribune ",September 7 ,2005 .
* [http://www.obsessionwithfood.com/2006_01_01_blog-archive.html#113709378997673043 "Rendering Lard 2.0"] by Derrick Schneider, "An Obsession With Food" (blog),January 12 ,2006 .
* [http://food.oregonstate.edu/l/lard.html "Lard"] , "Food Resource, College of Health and Human Sciences,Oregon State University ",February 20 ,2007 . – Bibliography offood science articles on lard.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.