List of Orthoptera and allied insects of Great Britain

List of Orthoptera and allied insects of Great Britain

__NOTOC__The following is a list of the species of grasshopper, cricket and allied insects recorded from Britain. The insect orders covered by this list are:
* the Orthoptera - grasshoppers, groundhoppers, true crickets and bush-crickets
* the Dermaptera - earwigs
* the Blattodea - cockroaches

This article lists the native species only. A number of other species have been found in the wild as vagrants or accidental introductions.

Order Orthoptera (grasshoppers and crickets)

Suborder Ensifera (crickets)

Family Tettigoniidae (bush-crickets)

* Oak bush-cricket "Meconema thalassinum"
* Great green bush-cricket "Tettigonia viridissima"
* Wart-biter "Decticus verrucivorus"
* Dark bush-cricket "Pholidoptera griseoaptera"
* Grey bush-cricket "Platycleis albopunctata"
* Bog bush-cricket "Metrioptera brachyptera"
* Roesel's bush-cricket "Metrioptera roeselii"
* Long-winged conehead "Conocephalus discolor"
* Short-winged Conehead "Conocephalus dorsalis"
* Speckled bush-cricket "Leptophyes punctatissima"

Family Gryllidae (true crickets)

* House cricket "Acheta domesticus"
* Field cricket "Gryllus campestris"
* Wood cricket "Nemobius sylvestris"
* Scaly cricket "Pseudomogoplistes squamiger"

Family Gryllotalpidae (mole-crickets)

* Mole cricket "Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa"

Suborder Caelifera (grasshoppers & allies)

Family Tetrigidae (groundhoppers)

* Cepero's groundhopper "Tetrix ceperoi"
* Slender groundhopper "Tetrix subulata"
* Common groundhopper "Tetrix undulata"

Family Acrididae (grasshoppers)

* Large marsh grasshopper "Stethophyma grossum"
* Stripe-winged grasshopper "Stenobothrus lineatus"
* Woodland grasshopper "Omocestus rufipes"
* Common green grasshopper "Omocestus viridulus"
* Field grasshopper "Chorthippus brunneus"
* Heath grasshopper "Chorthippus vagans"
* Meadow grasshopper "Chorthippus parallelus"
* Lesser marsh grasshopper "Chorthippus albomarginatus"
* Rufous grasshopper "Gomphocerippus rufus"
* Mottled grasshopper "Myrmeleotettix maculatus"

Order Blattodea (cockroaches)

Family Blattellidae

* Dusky cockroach "Ectobius lapponicus"
* Tawny cockroach "Ectobius pallidus"
* Lesser cockroach "Ectobius panzeri"

Order Dermaptera (earwings)

Family Labiidae

* Lesser earwing "Labia minor"

Family Forficulidae

* Short-winged earwig "Apterygida media"
* Common earwig "Forficula auricularia"
* Lesne's earwing "Forficula lesnei"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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