Uncial 065

Uncial 065
New Testament manuscripts
Uncial 065
Text John 11-12, 15-16, 19 †
Date 6th century
Script Greek
Now at Russian National Library
Size 29 x 23 cm
Type Byzantine text-type
Category V

Uncial 065 (in the Gregory-Aland numbering), ε 1 (Soden), is a Greek uncial manuscript of the New Testament, dated paleographically to the 6th century.



The codex contains a small parts of the John 11:50-12:9, 15:12-16:2, 19:11-24,[1] on 3 parchment leaves (29 cm by 23 cm). The text is written in two columns per page, 29 lines per page.[2]

It is a palimpsest, the upper text contains a Georgian calendar.[2]

The Greek text of this codex is a representative of the Byzantine text-type. Kurt Aland placed it in Category V.[2]

Currently the manuscript is dated by the INTF to the 6th century.[3]

It was examined by Tischendorf, Kurt Treu, and Schmid.

It is currently housed at the Russian National Library (Suppl. Gr. 6, I) in Saint Petersburg.

See also


  1. ^ Kurt Aland, Synopsis Quattuor Evangeliorum. Locis parallelis evangeliorum apocryphorum et patrum adhibitis edidit, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart 1996, p. XXIII.
  2. ^ a b c Aland, Kurt; Barbara Aland; Erroll F. Rhodes (trans.) (1995). The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. p. 119. ISBN 978-0-8028-4098-1. 
  3. ^ "Liste Handschriften". Münster: Institute for New Testament Textual Research. http://intf.uni-muenster.de/vmr/NTVMR/ListeHandschriften.php. Retrieved 9 April 2011. 

Further reading

  • Constantin von Tischendorf, Monumenta sacra et profana I, pp. XIII-XIX, 1-48.
  • Kurt Treu, Die Griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments in der UdSSR; eine systematische Auswertung des Texthandschriften in Leningrad, Moskau, Kiev, Odessa, Tbilisi und Erevan, T & U 91 (Berlin, 1966), pp. 18-19.
  • U. B. Schmid, D. C. Parker, W. J. Elliott, The Gospel according to St. John: The majuscules (Brill 2007), pp. 52-58. [text of the codex in the Gospel of John]

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