European Commission Representation in Ireland

European Commission Representation in Ireland

The European Commission Representation in Ireland is part of the Commission’s network of representative offices throughout the Member States of the European Union. It is the Commission’s voice in Ireland and aims to communicate EU affairs at both national and local levels.

The Director of the Representation is Mr Martin Territt. He represents the European Commission in Ireland and reports back to the Commission on developments in Ireland.


To this end, the Representation team has the following "functions":


*Providing information on European affairs both to the media and to the general public. The Press Office keeps national and local media up to date with developments in Brussels and is an important contact point for journalists.

*Providing the general public with free access to information about the Commission and the European Union in its public information centre at 18 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, through publications, internet points, multimedia facilities and educational visits. Information officers are on hand to deal with specific queries. The Representation has also established a panel of experts – [ Team Europe] – available to speak at conferences and seminars throughout the country.

*Providing a [ Eurojus Consultant] (solicitor: Siobhan Duffy) who is available to give advice and information on citizens’ rights in the European Union.

*Distributing a weekly electronic [ newsletter] with news of recent developments at EU level and an agenda of upcoming events.

"Going Local"

*Supporting a countrywide network of EU information providers in [ local libraries, business information centres and universities] .


*Gathering information and keeping the Commission in Brussels informed of various political, social and economic developments in Ireland. As part of its expanding listening function, the Representation will conduct public consultations on various ideas that the Commission is developing. It wants to ensure that citizens’ voices are heard in the corridors of power in Brussels.

Contact Information

The European Commission Representation in Ireland is located at:

European Union House, 18 Dawson Street, Dublin 2

tel: (01) 634 1111

e-mail: [ The EU in Ireland]


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