Roman Catholic Diocese of Vellore

Roman Catholic Diocese of Vellore
Diocese of Vellore
Dioecesis Vellorensis
Country India
Metropolitan Madras and Mylapore
Area 12,265 km2 (4,736 sq mi)
- Total
- Catholics
(as of 2004)
146,091 (1.6%)
Rite Latin Rite
Cathedral Assumption Cathedral
Current leadership
Bishop Soundaraj Periyanayagam, S.D.B.

The Roman Catholic Diocese of Vellore (Latin: Velloren(sis)) is a diocese located in the city of Vellore in the Ecclesiastical province of Madras and Mylapore in India.



  • November 13, 1952: Established as Diocese of Vellore from the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madras

The Diocese of Vellore was started by Salesians in the year 1952 carving out a portion from the Archdiocese of Madras-Mylapore. Further in 1969, few parishes from the Archdiocese of Pondicherry-Cuddalore were attached to this Diocese. It comprises of two civil districts namely Vellore and Tiruvannamalai. There are 84 parishes having Catholic population of 1, 50,000.

Glimpse at the history of North Arcot District

The study of the pastoral methods evolved by the foreign missionaries in Vellore Diocese in 19th and 20th centuries calls for a glance at and a grasp of geographic, historical, social, economic, political, cultural and religious realities of the times. Therefore, it is necessary to make a situation-analysis through available literature, documents, and personal interviews. The region called “North Arcot District” experienced many a change under political and social influences. In the course of time, the North Arcot District was divided into two districts, namely Vellore and Thiruvannamalai for better administration. The Catholic diocese of Vellore comprises the above two districts. In this chapter, a brief historical overview on North Arcot (which has seen kings and kingdoms, battles, victories and defeats, growths and destructions) is presented along with some geophysical, environmental and demographic details proper to this region.

Origin as a Jesuit mission

The Catholic Mission in North Arcot dates back to 1604. The following chronicles gathered from various sources will give some historical knowledge of this Mission, its foundation and development in the course of over 350 years. The last great prince of the declining Vijayanagar empire (now in Andhra Pradesh), Venkatapathy Deva Rayalu, conquered the kingdom of Vellore in January 1604 and named it Raya Elluru. Elapuri or Elluru in Telugu language would mean city or town. Raya Elluru was meant a town conquered by the king Rayalu and thus the town was named after him - combination of two words Raya and Elapuri.

There were then some Jesuit Fathers at the court of King Rayalu at Chandragiri. He took them also to his new court at Vellore. The word Vellore derives from the Tamil word ‘Vel’ which means 'spear'; according to another conjecture there were idols of Tamil God ‘Murugan’ holding ‘Vel’ in and around Vellore. Vellore was formerly called Velappadi (a place thickly surrounded by a particular tree called ‘Velamaram’) and for this reason and background the name Vellore came into existence. The Jesuits who had come with their followers here allowed by the King to build again and it is now with the Anglican Church). Ancient Jesuit documents show that among these Jesuits, there was one named Fr. Antonious Rubunus, a preacher and confessor, who was commuting between Chandragiri and Vellore. He was sent to Japan on 12th August 1642. On 22nd March 1643 he was martyred at Nagasaki. The earliest pioneer of this district had thus, laid the foundation with his blood. In 1610, there was a general upheaval against the Jesuits.

It was due to the dishonourable conduct of the Jesuits that their residences both at Chandragiri and at Vellore were suppressed by a Royal order of the king Philip III of Spain and Portugal in 1611. In a formal way, Christian faith came to the diocese of Vellore towards the last quarter of the 17th century from the Madurai Mission. Fr. Andrew Preyre, S.J. seems to have been the first to evangelize Vellore. St. John de Britto and his disciple Fr. Francis Laynis visited Vellore in 1680 and 1683. Fr. Francis Laynis, (later Bishop of Mylapore), founded in the year 1683 and 1691 the mission of Koratampet, the first one in the present diocese of Vellore – in the Taluk of Chengam, North Arcot district – some 80 kms South-West of Vellore. In 1699, the first French Jesuit Missionaries settled down at Pondicherry, after closing the Mission of Siam. In 1700, a certain Fr. Mandayat began the Jesuit Carnatic Mission at Puliyur, South of Uthiramerur, Chinglepet district like an Indian Sanyasi just as the Fathers of the Madurai Mission did in those days.

Vellore was surrounded by the Mughuls and was taken over by them in the following year. In 1702, Fr. Mandayat founded the mission of Thakkolam (Arakonam Taluk), which was later placed under the care of Fr. Varance Bouchet. In 1703, he was subjected to persecution and was arrested. Later, he was released by the Governor of the Province, Sek Sahib, at the intervention of Fr. Pierre Martin. During the short time he spent at Vellore he decided to erect a chapel and residence under the patronage of Mary. Later, he and his catechist were thrown out of the city after being severely beaten. It was obvious that the Moghuls did not welcome the idea of Christianity getting established at Vellore.

In 1712, Fr. De La Fontain, Superior of the Carnatic Mission intervened to bring to an end the persecution carried out by the Prince Dewan Hall. He approached the Nawab of Arcot through a Catholic Medical officer of the Nawab of Vellore. The Nawab of Arcot gave Freedom. In 1736, Fr. Jacques de Saignes had two churches built at Vellore and at Arcot. He stayed for a month in these places. He was provided with meals from the Rayal palace. In 1740, when the Maharaja moved from Vellore to Gingee, Fr. Joseph Trumbley was in charge of Athipakkam (South Arcot) and Koratampet (Norht Arcot). He wrote that one of his churches was plundered, another burnt down. The church at the Fort of Vellore was destroyed. 21 villages in which the best portion of the flock lived were sacked. Many Catholics were murdered, and others were compelled to wander about in the woods and hills. In 1748 the Nawab of Vellore granted one and a half acres of dry land to the priest, along the road, and another piece of land near the hill at Vellore. Two similar grants were made also to the priest at Arcot. In those days the Nawabs were dealing with the donation of lands to priests because the Zamindars were not willing to do this. In 1774, when Punganur (Andhra Pradesh) was occupied by Hyder Ali, a group of Telugu Catholics were brought by Fr. Henri Arnoult to Christianpet (North Arcot). Two families of Rajas from Rajampet in Cuddappah were baptized and then, taken into the service of the Nawab of Vellore. Their descendants are now at Christianpet 10 km North Arcot of Vellore.

Missionaries of the Foreign Missions Society, Paris

In 1777, the Fathers of the Paris Foreign Missions who were at Pondicherry were given charge of the former Jesuit South Indian Mission under the general name of Malabar Mission, which was also called formerly Carnatic Mission and formerly Pondicherry Mission. The Mission among Tamils was known as the Mission in the Province of Arcot. It fared rather badly.

In 1784, the persecution of Tippu Sultan dispersed several Catholic communities from the ancient Carnatic Mission in Rayalaseema. Some groups went to Vellore under the protection of the British. The Mudali Catholics of Pudur moved of Koratampet and Telugu Reddies and Kavarais settled at Kaniyambady, 12 km South of Vellore.

In 1801, there were about 2,000 Catholics in the region of Vellore. In 1806, Fr. Arnoult died. Fr. Manenty died on 25th May 1812. Fr. Jean Austruay of the Paris Foreign Missions took charge of the Catholics of Vellore region. In 1817, a church was begun at Kortampet. In 1834, Msgr. Bonnand, as co-adjuster to the Prefect Apostolic of Pondicherry, came to Vellore for his first pastoral visitation. A church was built there at the foot of the western hills.

Creation of Vicariates Apostolic

When the Vicariates Apostolic were created in 1832, Vellore and Southern part of North district formed part of the Vicariate Apostolic of Pondicherry under the Paris Foreign Missions. The North and North Eastern parts of the district, beyond the Trunk Road of Madras – Bangalore, namely the three taluks of Arakonam, Walajapet and Gudiyattam came to form part of the Vicariate Apostolic of Madras and it was entrusted to Mill Hill Fathers.

In 1841, the church at Koratampet was completed. It measured 60 ft. by 15 ft. In 1846 the mission of Vellore had 3,341 Catholics, mostly from the depressed outcaste people. They were served by a Priest, four catechists, one school, a main church and eight chapels.

Arcot contonment had 484 Catholics, of whom were in the light cavalry; Kaveripakkam had three or four Catholic families; Alapakkam about 100 Catholics and Christianpet 13 Families. As the old church at Vellore was too small and in a miserable condition, the site of a local tank bed was bought for Rs. 200/- in 1847, and the foundation was laid for a new big church. In 1850, Fr. Moncourrier of the Paris Foreign Missions build a church and presbytery at Adakambarai on a site given by two Catholics. On 9th February 1854, the new church at Vellore was solemnly blessed by Msgr. Bonnand. After 100 years this church was found in a very bad condition and needed heavy repairs. With a sum of one lakh of rupees it was repaired, extended and remodeled. It served as the Cathedral church of the diocese of Vellore from 1952. Again, this church was further extended with two wings with new concrete slab structure and was consecrated on 3rd January 1988 by Cardinal Simon Lourdusamy the Prefect of the Congregation for Oriental Churches when Fr. A. Nambikairaj was the Parish Priest. In 1884, the Catholic population numbered 3,376 at Vellore; 1429 at Kortampet; 2,473 at Polur; 2,546 at Koviloor and 15,751 at Chettupattu and Arni. Archbishop Joseph Morel of Pondicherry (1909-29) and Archbishop Mederlet (1928-34) of Madras were those who played a great role in the formation of the diocese of Vellore in the initial stage.

Among the missionaries of Pondicherry the one who laboured and toiled most indefatigably was Fr. Francis Darras who is also called the Apostle of North Arcot. He welcomed into the Church 30,000 persons and founded, several parishes in North Arcot district during 1876-1916. He built the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes at Chethupattu in 1896 and a chapel on the hill near by in 1880. It is now the Shrine of Our Blessed Lady and the biggest center of pilgrimage in the diocese of Vellore.

Arrival of Salesians of Don Bosco

In April 1928, the mission of North Arcot with nine parishes, which were under the French Fathers, was consigned by the Holy See to the Salesians of Don Bosco. After three months, Fr. Eugene Mederlet, the first Salesian parish priest of Vellore, was made Archbishop of Madras to succeed Bishop Aelen John (1911 – 1928). The Archbishop of Madras was entrusted to the Salesians of Don Bosco, and the Salesian mission of North Arcot and the three taluks of Palmaner, Tiruthanni and Chittoor in the civil district of Chittoor were added to the territory of the Archdiocese to Madras. After the death of the Archbishop Mederlet on 12th December 1934, Bishop Louis Mathias was transferred from the See of Shillong to the Archdiocese of Madras, and he took charge of it on 20th July 1935 and governed it till 1965. One of his outstanding achievements was the formation of the dioceses of Vellore and Thanjavur in 1952.

Favourable factors for Christianity in North Arcot

The Portuguese had control over coastal areas of Tamilnadu and Santhome (Mylapore) in the 16th and the first half of the 17th centuries. Whenever the Portuguese exercised any authority or influence, it was always favorable to the spread of faith. The interior of Tamilnadu was influenced by Mughal ruler Akbar with his friendly attitude to all religions, and similarly by Tirumala Nayak and Queen Mangammal of Madurai and the Kathirava Narasmiah Raj Udayar of Mysore. They all allowed the Christian priests to preach freely in their territories and Christianize the people. The last great prince Venkatapathy Deva Rayalu of Vijayanagar conquered the kingdom of Vellore in 1604 and as we mentioned earlier, he kept two Jesuit priests in his court, first at Chandragiri and later at Vellore, and allowed them to build a church at Vellore fort.

Unfortunately the first Portuguese Jesuits were called back by king Philip III for their scandalous life and this hindered evangelizing process. Fr. Rubino wrote to the Jesuit general “The missionaries must adapt themselves to Indian customs”.

The Period of Renaissance created a spirit of conquest among the Europeans. The period of Reformation certainly helped cleansing the Church structures – the clergy, religious and similar organizations – from corruption of every kind. Naturally, missionaries who entered India after the above period, were known for their life witness and it was adequately a strong factor for Christianity to take solid root in the district of North Arcot. Above all, the Master’s promise, “I will be with you always, to the end of the Ages” (Mt. 28:20), was the strongest guiding force for evangelizing endeavours of the missionaries of the area. We shall overcome……. We shall overcome……. We shall overcome some day……..

St Antony’s Shrine – Viruduvilanginan

Viruduvilanginan was the good old sub-station of Athipakkam Parish, Pondicherry Archdiocese. Seven years back Rev. Fr. Anthony Thumma, the then Parish Priest of Athipakkam showed keen interest to make it a separate parish. Just at that time in November 1969 when the portions of North Arcot in Tiruvannamalai and Chengam Districts were detached from Pondicherry Archdiocese and attached to Vellore Diocese, Viruduvilenginan was one of those sub-stations with a good number of Catholic families, which the Diocese of Vellore was fortunate to get.

Msgr. S. Lazar, S.D.B., the Vicar Capitular of the Diocese was only too happy to erect this village as a parish and appoint Rev.Fr. A. Nambikairaj as its first Parish Priest on 16th February 1970. There are 3 sub-stations, namely, Porrikal, Kadagaman and Valavetty. Fr. A. Nambikairaj started to put up a beautiful Shrine of St Antony on 16th December, 1970, trusting in his powerful intercession. The beautiful and huge Shrine, built completely in granite stones in honour of this great saint surrounded by natural rivers, bushes and trees, was blessed on 13th June 1976, the feast of St. Antony.

Within a year, people from all over, of all religions began to pay visit to this shrine and to pray to St. Antony honoured in a special manner at the entrance of the road leading to the Village from the Tiruvannamalai-Tirukoilur main road. In the early morning of every Tuesday, thousands of people flock at the Shrine to attend the Mass and offer their prayers to God through St. Antony. The previous night itself, people in hundreds gather to take part in the mass & in the prayers and to offer their offerings as gratitude for the graces received through St. Antony. Day by day, this Shrine invites more people from far and near. The feast of St. Antony is celebrated with great solemnity and all those who visit this Shrine of St. Antony, go back with peace of mind and enriched with grace.

St Lordhu's Shrine, Chetpet

The Mission of Chethupattu, under the zealous missionary Priest, Jean Francois Darras, rightly called the Apostle of North Arcot, dates back to 1876. He was born of Mr. Francois Joseph and Marie Josephine Dowey on 16th March 1835. He was ordained on 18th June 1859 along with eight of his companions. He came to Pondicherry as a missionary; from there he came to diocese of Vellore. When he was preaching the Gospel round about Chethupattu, 12 non Christians from this place approached him with an earnest desire to enter the True fold. He went to Chethupattu and had the great happiness of baptizing not less than 1000 people. He started instructing the people untiringly and preached them the Good News of Jesus. He prepared them well for the baptism, stood by them in times of crisis and in dangers. He attended patiently and cared for thousands of children and adults dying due to various reasons He practiced penance, fasting and renunciation and prayed for the welfare of the people. Within five years, he converted 1700 people. Chethupattu was made a separate Parish on 11 March 1878.

Fr. Darras had taken a vow to build a shrine in honour of Our Lady of Lourdes and built it on a hill top about 2 ½ miles away from Chethupattu. Since this Church was too small to contain the vast number of pilgrims Fr. Darras built a grand Church and dedicated it to Our Lady of Lourdes. It was blessed on 1st May 1896, by His Lordship, the Rt. Rev. Gandi. Its imposing structure with pointing towers irresistibly draws the people of all faith towards God. From his time onwards the Chetpet has become the center of devotion and pilgrimage. The legacy of Fr. Francois Darras still remains alive in the minds of the people. From then on, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes is being celebrated during the first week of March every year. Pilgrims numbering more than 40000 flock to the Shrine of Our Lady from all parts of South India.

It was in 1948 the then Parish Priest and later the Bishop of North Arcot, Rt. Rev. S. David Marianayagam, S.D.B., built the present Hill Chapel to replace the old one.Chethupattu has a population of 4000 Catholics with 21 mission stations. It can boast of two High Secondary Schools one for boys and another for girls and five Elementary Schools. Sisters of St. Anne’s Madavaram manage the Higher Secondary School for Girls. More than 2000 children receive secular, moral and religious education. Another great blessing of this Parish is the establishment of St. Thomas Hospital and Leprosy Centre. Zeaslous missionaries have enriched the mission by their activities. Rev.Frs. A. Fernandes, F. Capiaghi, M. Arockiasamy, F. Schlooz, Maria Arul, Peter Mathew, S. Susai and the Present Fr. Thomas George all have contributed their mite in the religious, social and economic up-lift of this Parish. The Centenary of the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes was celebrated with the customary pomp and solemnity in March 1978.

The pilgrim centre of Chetpet attained a new phase when Fr. Kuriakos on 26th January 2002 started Marivalam in the hill chapel. Most Rev. Chinnappa Sdb, the then bishop of Vellore diocese, encouraged him to care for the spiritual needs of the people. People come in thousands on the full moon day to the hill chapel. Confessions are heard, prayers are conducted. Competent preachers are called to break the word of God. Fr. Octavius and Fr. John Durai took efforts to keep the momentum. It is very consoling to see people go back home with much joy and happiness after the pilgrimage. Most Rev. Dr. Soundararaju our bishop has a vision for the centre. He has already put up a structure for the retired priests. The presence of Fr. Antonyraj draws thousands of people to the shrine. People come everyday come and pray to the Lord through our beloved mother Mary. At present Rev. Dr. A. Stephen, as the parish priest, desires a new push to the development of the parish and the shrine as well.


History of the Cathedral

Thanks to the Society of Jesus Christian faith sprouted in the Vellore soil in 1604. As the faithful numbers increased, the Christian community in Vellore was in need of a Church building for the celebration of the Eucharist and sacraments. In 1854 Vellore was made a parish. In the same year Assumption church was built. It was under the Madras Archdiocese and looked after by the Mill-Hill Fathers. In 1928, the North Arcot mission was entrusted to the care of Salesians of Don Bosco. The constant pastoral care given by them resulted in the wide spread of Christian faith in this region. On 13 November, 1952, Catholic Diocese of Vellore was bifurcated from Arch Diocese Madras-Mylapore and Assumption church was announced as the cathedral of the new born Diocese of Vellore. In 1955, Rt. Rev. David Maria Nayagam, DD, then Bishop of Vellore Diocese repaired the Assumption Cathedral and consecrated it. During the time of Rt. Rev. Michael Augustin, DD, Rev. Msgr. A. Nambikairaj built the right and left wings of the cathedral. Even with these extensions, the cathedral had space only for 300 to 500 people.

The New Cathedral

Assumption cathedral was demolished and basement for the new cathedral was blessed in the year 1999, May 24. The new and one of the biggest Cathedrals in Asia was consecrated on 15 September, 2002 by His eminence Simon D. Lourdusamy and opened by Very Rev. Bernard Prince. Blessed Sacrament chapel, prayer meeting hall, Glass paintings of 18 important events of salvific history and 15 mysteries of Rosary, and 165 feet height Belfry are special features of the new cathedral. The present cathedral is spacious and 3000 to 5000 people can take part in the worship at the same time. As the Tabernacle was in the Blessed Sacrament chapel inside the cathedral, people wanted a tabernacle near by the altar in the main church. With the contribution of the parishioners of the Cathedral and Cathedral Administrator Very Rev. Fr. A. Kulandesu, our beloved Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. P. Soundararaju SDB, DD, placed the tabernacle under the beautiful crucifix nearby the main altar and blessed it. Very many people from other religions visit the cathedral and pray here. The Assumption cathedral, the mother Church of the Diocese of Vellore offers the atmosphere to every Christian faithful to encounter God and thus it remains as the place of celebrating God’s love and mercy.


  • Bishops of Vellore (Latin Rite)
    • Bishop Soundaraj Periyanayagam, S.D.B. (July 11, 2006 – present)
    • Bishop Malayappan Chinnappa, S.D.B. (later Archbishop) (November 17, 1993 – April 1, 2005)
    • Bishop Michael Augustine (later Archbishop) (June 19, 1981 – February 18, 1992)
    • Bishop Royappan Antony Muthu (November 23, 1970 – December 19, 1980)
    • Bishop David Maryanayagam Swamidoss Pillat, S.D.B. (July 4, 1956 – July 17, 1969)
    • Bishop Pablo Mariaselvam, S.D.B. (1953 – June 25, 1954)


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