Pietro di Miso

Pietro di Miso

Pietro di Miso (died September 17, 1174) was Italian cardinal. He was elevated to the cardinalate by Pope Adrian IV in the consistory of February 1158 [ [http://www.fiu.edu/~mirandas/consistories-xii.htm#AdrianIV Salvador Miranda: Consistories of the pontificate of Pope Adrian IV] ] . Initially he was cardinal-deacon of S. Eustachio, but in 1166 he was promoted to the order of cardinal-priests and received "titulus" San Lorenzo in Damaso. After the double papal election in 1159 he supported the obedience of Pope Alexander III and served as his legate in Hungary [G. Moroni, p. 216] . He signed the papal bulls between April 24, 1158 and July 17, 1174 [Jaffé, "Regesta...", p. 659 and 678] .



*Philipp Jaffé, [http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?id=70317&dirds=1&tab= Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita Ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII] , Berlin 1851

*Gaetano Moroni: "Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica da S. Pietro sino ai nostri giorni". Vol. XLV, Tipografia Emiliana, Venezia, 1840 - 1861 (page 216)

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