

In Japanese mythology and Shintoism, Amenominakanushi (天御中主 or 天之御中主神) was the first kami to come into being in the Plain of Heaven as a "solitary kami" (hitorigami). He was acknowledged as one of the zōka sanshin ("three kami of creation") and one of the five kotoamatsukami ("separate heavenly deities"),

Amenominakanushi is found at the very beginning of the Kojiki. Amenominakanushi was chief kami of the seven major stars of the constellation Ursa Major. As a result of this influence, Amenominakanushi was made a central deity at the Daikyōin in the early Meiji period. He was also worshipped within sectarian Shinto (kyōha Shintō ) too. [ [ Encyclopedia of Shinto] , Retrieved on July 24 2008]


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