

Hitorigami (一人神) are kami which came into being alone, as opposed to those which came into being as male-female pairs. According to the Kojiki, this group included the "three deities of creation" and the "separate heavenly kami." [ [http://eos.kokugakuin.ac.jp/modules/xwords/entry.php?entryID=10 Encyclopedia of Shinto - Home : Concepts of Kami : Hitorigami ] ] . They are described as hiding themselves away once they achieved awareness. Most are said to have been created from the "male essence" and, as such, are male in gender.

Two hitorigami, Kunitokotachi and Amenominakanushi, summoned the divine pair of Izanagi and Izanami into being and charged them with creating the first land in the swirling salt-water that existed below the heavens.

List of "Hitorigami"

Three Deities of Creation:

Separate Heavenly Kami (partial list):


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