Aillarehue — o ayllarehue (del mapudungun: ayllarewe/ayjarewe: nueve rehues ); pequeña confederación de linajes o clanes familiares (lof) que dominaba una comarca o provincia, en la antigua división administrativa y territorial de los pueblos mapuche,… … Wikipedia Español
Tirúa — Bandera … Wikipedia Español
Lof — (castellanizado: levo y lov) o caví (castellanizado: Cahuín); forma básica de organización social del pueblo mapuche, consistente en un clan familiar o linaje que reconoce la autoridad de un lonco (cacique). Contenido 1 Descripción 1.1 Lof küdaw … Wikipedia Español
Mapuche — Mapuche … Wikipedia
Colocolo (tribal chief) — Colocolo statue, in Estadio Monumental, Santiago de Chile. Colocolo (from Mapudungun colocolo , mountain cat) was a Mapuche leader ( cacique lonco ) in the early period of the Arauco War. He was a major figure in Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga s epic … Wikipedia
Michimalonco — Michima Lonco (fl. mid 16th century) (michima means foreigner and lonco means head or chief in Mapudungun language) was an indigenous chief said to be a great warrior, born in the Aconcagua Valley and educated in Cusco by the Inca… … Wikipedia
Conquest of the Desert — Conquest of the Desert, by Juan Manuel Blanes (fragment showing Julio Argentino Roca, at the front) The Conquest of the Desert (Spanish: Conquista del desierto) was a military campaign directed mainly by General Julio Argentino Roca in the 1870s … Wikipedia
Toqui — (from the Mapudungun toki axe, axe bearer ) is a title conferred by the Mapuche (an indigenous Chilean people) to those who are chosen as their leader during times of war. The toqui is chosen in an assembly or parliament ( coyag ), of the chiefs… … Wikipedia
Chemamull — Wooden statues or chemamüll Chemamüll (“people wood,” from Mapudungun che “people” and mamüll “wood”) are Mapuche statues made of wood used to signal the grave of a deceased person. Description The chemamüll are carved wooden statues, usually… … Wikipedia
Lonco — A lonco (from Mapudungun longko , literally head ) is a tribal chief of the Mapuches. These were often Ulmen the wealthier men in the lof. In wartime loncos of the various local rehue or the larger aillarehue would gather in a koyag or parliament … Wikipedia