

CoDeSys is a development environment for programming controller applications according to the international industrial standard IEC 61131-3. The term CoDeSys is an acronym and stands for Controller Development System.

CoDeSys is developed and marketed by the German software company 3S-Smart Software Solutions located in the Bavarian town of Kempten. Version 1.0 was released in 1994.

CoDeSys is free of charge and can be downloaded from the company’s website.

All five programming languages for application programming defined in the IEC 61131-3 are available in the CoDeSys development environment.

Textual editors:

Graphical editors:

Additional graphical editor available in CoDeSys not defined in the IEC standard:

  • CFC (Continuous Function Chart) is a sort of freehand FBD editor. Other than in the network-oriented FBD editor where the connections between inputs, operators and outputs are set automatically they have to be drawn by the programmer. All boxes can be placed freely which makes it possible to program feedback loops without interim variables.


Industrial usage

Over 250 device manufacturers from different industrial sectors offer intelligent automation devices with a CoDeSys programming interface. Consequently, thousands of end users such as machine or plant builders around the world employ CoDeSys for all sorts of automation tasks.

The CoDeSys Device Directory offers an overview on nearly 400 devices programmable with CoDeSys from leading manufacturers from the sectors control engineering, automation components and embedded systems.

See also

External links


Literature in German:

  • B. Vogel-Heuser/A. Wannagat (2008) Modulares Engineering und Wiederverwendung mit CoDeSys V3, Oldenbourg Industrieverlag
  • Herbert Bernstein (2007) SPS-Workshop mit Programmierung nach IEC 61131 mit vielen praktischen Beispielen, mit 2 CD-ROM, VDE Verlag.
  • Prof. Dr. Birgit Vogel-Heuser (2008) Automation & Embedded Systems, Oldenbourg Industrieverlag.
  • Heinrich Lepers (2005) SPS-Programmierung nach IEC 61131-3 mit Beispielen für CoDeSys und STEP 7, Franzis Verlag
  • Günter Wellenreuther/Dieter Zastrow (2007) Automatisieren mit SPS - Übersichten und Übungsaufgaben, Vieweg Verlag.
  • Norbert Becker (2006) Automatisierungstechnik, Vogel Buchverlag.

Other languages:

  • Russian: Igor Petrov: Controller Programming: The standard languages and most important development tools. Solon Press, 2007
  • Portuguese: Marcos de Oliveira Fonseca et al.(2008) Aplicando a norma IEC 61131 na automação de processos, ISA América do Sul.
  • Norwegian: Dag Håkon Hanssen (2008) Programmerbare Logiske Styringer – baser på IEC 61131-3, tapir akademisk forlag.

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