Alderville First Nation

Alderville First Nation

Alderville First Nation is an Indian reserve (designated Indian Reserve 160 by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada) located on the south shores of Rice Lake in Ontario (approximately 30 km north of Cobourg, at the intersection of County Road 45 and County Road 18). It is an Ojibwa (variant: "Ojibwe, Ojibway") community, and has been home to the (Mississauga) Anishinabeg of the Ojibway Nation since the mid-1830s. [ General History] . Alderville First Nation.]

Prior to its current location, the people of the community had lived in their traditional lands around the Bay of Quinte - located approximately 90 km east of its current location. However, with the influx of refugee settlements following the American Revolution, the community found itself under increased pressure. Having lost its American colonies, the British were forced to relocate the soldiers and civilians loyal to the crown (also known as the United Empire Loyalists) around the Bay of Quinte area. The area is now home to the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte First Nation (also known as Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory), the land having been promised to Joseph Brant, leader of the Mohawks that were loyal to the British Monarchy.

Community profile

The First Nation is located on the main reserve which occupies an area of convert|1199.8|ha|acre, and maintains a smaller parcel of land on nearby Sugar Island. [ [ Reserve Detail] . "First Nation Profiles". Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.] As of 2008, Alderville First Nation had just over 1000 registered band members - the majority of whom live outside the reserve (off-reserve) in neighbouring communities. [ [ Registered Population] . "First Nation Profiles". Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.]

The community is governed by an elected Chief and Council, and maintains political affiliations with the Ogemawahj Tribal Council and the Union of Ontario Indians (Anishinabek Nation). As of 1st January 2008, the members of the Chief and Council are:
* Chief: James Marsden
* Councillor: Pamela Crowe
* Councillor: Jody Holmes
* Councillor: Wayne Beaver
* Councillor: David Mowat


External links

* [ Alderville First Nation]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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