Erich Wasicky

Erich Wasicky

Erich Wasicky (* May 27, 1911 in Vienna, Austria ; † May 28, 1947 in Landsberg) was a pharmacist at the Mauthausen concentration camp and in charge of the killing of large numbers of victims by gas according to Action T4 which corresponds to euthanasia.

Wasicky was a physician. He joined the NSDAP and was a member of the SS. Between 1941 and 1944 he worked as a pharmacist in the concentration-camp Mauthausen. It was his task to select the victims to die in the gas chamber. The exact number of his victims isnt known but more than 3100 died in the neighboring Hartheim, which belonged to his sphere of influence and about 12.000 were killed in trucks by exhaust gas.

Wasicky was one of the drivers of the trucks. On 1 trip to the neighboring concentration camp Gusen 30 people could be killed within 1 truck and on the way back again the same number. After the Nazis started to use the poison Cyclon B for killing he was in charge of establishing this process in Hartheim as well as Mauthausen. A witness explicitly mentions that "Wasicky" delivered the Cyclon B to the SS-man at the gas chamber.

After the end of the World War II Wasicky was charged for murder by an US-military tribunal. On the May 13, 1946 we has charged guilty and was executed in the prison of Landsberg by hanging on May 28, 1947.

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* [ Erich Wasicky]
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* [ Dachau trials]
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