Infobox Website
name = DOTGO
caption = TheDOTGO homepage (usingFirefox web browser )
url = [http://www.dotgo.com/ www.dotgo.com]
commercial = yes
type =Mobile technology
language = English
registration = optional
owner =Scientific Media Inc.
author =Stefan Gromoll andKenneth M. Lanzetta
launch date =2008
current status = active
revenue = fromAdvertising
slogan =DOTGO is a patent pending
mobile technology service owned and operated byScientific Media, Inc. DOTGO provides an extension of the internet to cell phone text messaging, in that it allows anyone with a website (a "content publisher") to make any kind oftext messaging content available when cell phone users text the publisher's domain name to the appropriateshort code phone number DOTCOM (368266), DOTEDU (368338), DOTGOV (368468), DOTNET (368638), or DOTORG (368674).Scientific Media, Inc. is partially funded to develop DOTGO through aNational Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research grant (NSF SBIR), and partially throughangel investment .Creating a text message service with DOTGO
To use DOTGO, a website owner needs only to create a file called "index.cmrl" on the root of their web server using the text message markup language
CMRL . As soon as thisCMRL file is present, anyone with atext messaging -capable cell phone in the US can text the domain name to the DOT*short code that corresponds to thetop-level domain of the domain name to access the file's contents.For example, the owner of Example.com could create a
CMRL file located at http://example.com/index.cmrl. Anyone could then access the file's contents by texting "example" to the phone number DOTCOM (368266). Alternatively, the entire domain name (include top-level domain) can be texted to any of the five short codes to access the text messaging content for the domain. For example, Example.mobi could be accessed by sending "example.mobi" to DOTCOM (368266), DOTEDU (368228), or any of the other short codes.DOTGO and
CMRL allow a web site owner to define sub-keywords (e.g. "example news"), set up text messaging alerts, and return dynamic content from external programs ("engines") [ [http://dotgo.com/support/documentation DOTGO documentation] ] . In addition, DOTGO takes in to account abbreviations, partial queries, misspellings, acronyms, and other types of "fuzzy" query matching when routing an incoming text message through the content publisher's index.cmrl document [ [http://dotgo.com/support/documentation/doc0001.1.0/html-1/ "A Brief Introduction to DOTGO"] ] .If an index.cmrl file is not found when a user texts a domain name to one of the DOTCOM (368266) etc. short codes, DOTGO renders some subset of the web site content into a format appropriate for cell phone text messaging.
ee also
CMRL External links
* [http://www.dotgo.com DOTGO official website]
* [http://www.scientific-media.com Scientific Media official website]References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.