Infobox file format
name = CMRL (Concise Message Routing Language)
icon =
extension = .cmrl
mime = text/xml
owner =Scientific Media, Inc.
genre =Markup language
container for =
contained by =
extended from =XML
standard = [http://www.dotgo.com/support/documentation/reference_manual/ CMRL 1.0]CMRL, an
initialism of Concise Message Routing Language, is an XML-based language used to describe how concise message content (such as cell phonetext messages ) should be returned in response to concise message requests. CMRL is to concise message content (e.g. text messaging) whatHTML is to the web. CMRL files have the file extension ".cmrl" and have the MIME type "text/xml".History
CMRL was developed in late 2007 by
Scientific Media, Inc. to allow content publishers to create text messaging services forDOTGO , an extension of the internet to cell phone text messaging.Publishing CMRL files
CMRL files allow a web site owner to describe the text messages that should be returned when a cell phone user texts the web site domain name to the appropriate
short code phone number DOTCOM (368266), DOTEDU (368338), DOTGOV (368468), DOTNET (368638), or DOTORG (368674). For example, the owner of the domain name "example.com" might create a CMRL document at http://example.com/index.cmrl which would state that a user should receive the message "hello world" when they send a text message with the body "example" to the phone number DOTCOM (368266). This free text messaging service for the five top-level short codes is operated byScientific Media, Inc. as the serviceDOTGO .Validating CMRL files
CMRL files can be validated against the CMRL
XML schema by using the [http://www.dotgo.com/support/cmrl_validator DOTGO CMRL validator] provided byScientific Media, Inc .CMRL example
The following code shows a hypothetical CMRL document for Example.com, which would be located at http://example.com/index.cmrl.
If located at http://example.com/index.cmrl, this file would define the following queries:
exampleexample newsexample news timeIf a user sent a text message containing "example news" to the phone number
DOTCOM (368266) , they would receive the text message:
in response. The user would also receive this message if they abbreviated their query to "example n", or mis-spelled it, e.g. "example newss" [http://www.dotgo.com/support/documentation/doc0001.1.0/html/ "A Brief Introduction to DOTGO"] .There is no updated news today.If the user sent the text message "example" to the phone number
DOTCOM (368266) , they would receive the text message:
If the user then sent the text message "1" to the phone numberWelcome to Example.comReply:(1) for news(2) for the current time
DOTCOM (368266) , the query "example news" would get executed, and the user would again receive the message:
In this way, tags, together with match patterns, provide a mechanism whereby a CMRL file can define a text message menu (e.g. "Reply (1) for news"), while at the same time allowing a user to bypass the menu by "direct dialing" the content they want (e.g. with the query "example news").There is no updated news todayCMRL resources
CMRL language tags are documented in the [http://dotgo.com/support/documentation/reference_manual/ CMRL Reference Manual] .
See also
DOTGO References
External Links
* [http://www.scientific-media.com Scientific Media, Inc. home page]
* [http://www.dotgo.com DOTGO web page]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.