- Andy Miki
"Andy Miki" (1918-83) was an
Inuit artist fromArviat, Nunavut . His works are mainly insoapstone , and are often geometric abstractions. While the abstract work ofJohn Pangnark focused on the human figure, Miki's work abstracted animals, often to such a degree that only by the title could weasels and bears be told apart.Works
* "Mating Polar Bears", 1967. Sold for 27,600 dollars Canadian in 2006. [ [http://www.nunatsiaq.com/archives/61117/news/features/61117_01.html Nunatsiaq News ] ]
*cite book | last = Swinton | first = George | title = Sculpture of the Inuit, third edition | publisher = McClelland and Stuart | location = Toronto | year = 1999 | isbn = 9780771083662
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.