Bible translations (Dutch)

Bible translations (Dutch)

The first bible translation into Dutch directly from Greek and Hebrew sources was the "Statenvertaling". It was ordered by the States-General at the Synod of Dordrecht in 1618/19, and first published in 1637. It soon became the generally accepted translation for Reformed churches in the Netherlands and remained so well into the 20th century. It was supplanted to a large extent in 1951 by the "Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap" (NBG) translation, which still uses relatively old-fashioned language.

Modern language translations are "Groot Nieuws Bijbel" (GNB), International Bible Society's "Het Boek", and the Catholic "Willibrordvertaling". In 2004, the "Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling" (NBV) translation appeared, which was produced by an ecumenical translation team, and is intended as an all-purpose translation for pulpit and home use; however, there has been much criticism on its accuracy.Fact|date=November 2007

Around the same time, there has also been much work on very literal, idiolect translations, such as the Naarden translation of 2004, Albert Koster's translation of the Old Testament, a work in progress since 1991, and the Torah translation of the Societas Hebraica Amstelodamensis.Fact|date=November 2007



External links

* [ Statenvertaling] : full text, including the Apocrypha; 1977 edition
* [ UBS Bijbel Online] : full text of "Statenvertaling" (Jongbloed-editie and 1977 edition), "Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap", "Groot Nieuws Bijbel", "Willibrordvertaling", and "De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling"

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