Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales

Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales

infobox University
name = Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales
established = 1975
type = Public
professors =
students =
principal = MC Rogelio Noriega Vargas (Director)
mascot = Colt
city = Nogales, Sonora
country = Mexico
website = []

Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales (ITN) is a university located in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico.



In 1975, on a international visit to Nogales, the President of Mexico, Luis Echeverría Álvarez met the President of the United States, Mr. Gerald Ford. At the end of the meeting, the Mexican President made the official announcement official in the city of Nogales, Sonora, that the studious youth would have a regional technological institute, beginning in September of that year. [# Click Nuestro Tec and then click Historia en la pagina]

On 1 October 1975 work began what is now the top house studies, under the name Instituto Tecnológico Regional de Nogales, under the direction of Engineer Rafael Navarro Escobar and with a population of 224 students and 20 professors, offered specialties Electromechanic Technician, Electronics Technician and Bachelor of Business Administration. The preparatory level offered the starting specialties: Accounting Technician, Chemistry Lab Technician and Electronics Technician. In that year (1975), the Department of Planning and Development was formed implementing guidelines that in the future on what should optimize the resources available; the Coordination of Technical and Higher Studies, School Services and General Services are integrated. Subsequently are established offices of Public Relations and Editorial. The expansion of the institution was initiated under the leadership of Engineer Rafael Navarro Escobar and the subdirectorate of Engineer Fedaderico Campos Chacon, due to the widespread demand student giving a growth of 1566 students to preparatory level and 222 students at the undergraduate level.

On November 20, 1975, the first board of the Regional Institute of Technology Nogales was formed, remaining at the helm of the same as Mr President. Ernesto Elias Islands, as Secretary-Mr. Mendivil Francisco Estrada, as treasurer Mr. Federico Campos Chacon; Dr. Jesus Martinez Ochoa as vice president and Mr. Gustavo Montalvo Pompa as prosecretary.

In 1979 the first 7 students graduated of the Institute, 2 in Industrial Engineering and 5 in Business Administration.

By 1982 and 1983, in an area of 7.9 hectares with the necessary buildings, workshops, laboratories and equipment, the school was operating with a student population of 2028 students, of which 54% corresponded to the undergraduate level and 46% to preparatory level, with a plant Professor of 143 teachers and 110 as administrative and services staff.

In 1984, a classroom was converted for use as a classroom Computing Center and around mid-year Engineer Marcelino Bauzá Rosete replaced Engineer Almogábar Raul Sanchez as director, continuing as Deputy Director Eng. Jorge Garcia Revilla.

In 1985, D.G.I.T authorized the career in Computer Systems Engineering, starting with 23 students. In 1985, the Administrative Building and Industrial Engineering Lab were opened. In November of that year, the "Regional" word disappears becoming "Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales


In the first semester of 1986, it begins the drafting of the Master Plan for Institutional Development, which is based on the search for a new educational model in search of educational excellence to meet the social demands and development of higher education in Technology of our country. The establishment of the Center for Graduate and Research and Research-teacher Training Project are also studied. In 1987, the D.G.I.T. authorized the unit installed in 1987 in the Municipality of Agua Prieta, Sonora, as well as the Master of Computer System in the ITN, which began with 15 students. In August of that year began the process of segregation of the High School level, suspending registrations for new students.

In early 1990 the functional units that made up the ITN were: Technical Studies Division, Division of Higher Studies, Outreach Division. Coordination of Research, Departments of educational technology, Center of Information, Planning, and Budget Management, Human Resource Management, School Services, General Services, Communication and Broadcasting Offices and Publisher, and linkage with the productive sector. In the same year (1990), the entire administrative team was broken in departments. This process meant to be a breakthrough in realizing the modernization of education proposed by the education authorities, implemented in the Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales, in order to optimize and streamline administrative tasks to provide a firm support in the academic activities and power achieving quality standards in terms of their development as is the achievement of teaching-learning process and systematization of research to achieve export production technology.

On September 3, 1996 the D.G.I.T. appointed MS Oscar Armando Lopez Gonzalez as Director of the Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales, MS Juan de Dios Garcia Gerardo became the Academic subdirector and staying at their posts MS Eduardo Sanchez Arellano as a Administrator subdirector and Engineer Manuel de Jesus Ruiz Beltran in Department of Planning and Outreach.

In 1997 during the graduation ceremony for graduates of ITN, it was announced the segregation of Agua Prieta division, to become Instituto Tecnológico de Agua Prieta. In the month of September 2002, M.S Luis Armando Ramirez Cheu receives the appointment as Director of the Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales, with the following staff: Academic Assistants: Engineer Luis Miguel Paz Moreno and MA. Jose A. Padilla Estrella, Administrative Assistants; B.S. Miguel A. Sarmiento Aguiar and B.S. Arana Guillermo Robles, Deputy Director of Plantation; Engineer Manuel de Jesus Ruiz Beltran and M.S. Gerardo Ochoa Salcido. In 2007, the Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales has consolidated its reputation as the maximum house of studies in Nogales. At 31 years of his birth, is an institution of higher education that marchs in step with modern times, sowing the seeds of knowledge, training professionals of tomorrow as change agents, creators of goods and services in this world of globalization processes; where the mission of ensuring the comprehensive education at the undergraduate level and graduate aims at ensuring quality professionals that contribute to the development of the productive sector and social; institution that is committed to working within a framework of total quality control to achieve corporate goals and satisfaction of students and their social environment, with special interest in the efficiency of operations and the quality of life of those who work here; with aspirations for a lasting global peace; applying science and technology for The liberation of Man.


The school logo was designed by Engineer Jorge Guillermo Zazueta, professor of Industrial Engineering area in the year 1975. [# Click Nuestro Tec and then click Logo en la pagina]

To create the logo, various factors were taken into account that in one way or another identify the institution, this way the gear was selected that means movement and gestation, indicating the fundamental objectives of the Technological Institute of this region. That gear, divided into four parts by two axes, containing a transistor, a torch, microscope and acronyms of the Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales.


Since 1975, the mascot is the colt which was elected by competition among the technology community. [# Click Nuestro Tec and then click Mascota en la pagina]

The Instituto Tecnológico de Nogales is identified with the colt that is free and without borders, but when it is trained it becomes faithful and obedient. Also with strong family ties and to his territory, it is robust and strong, its limits his imagination and creativity



* Mechatronics Engineering
* Civil Engineering
* Industrial Engineering
* Electronic Engineering
* Computer Systems Engineering
* Business Administration
* Accounting
* Masters in Computer System

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