Zorica Pantic

Zorica Pantic

Zorica Pantic, born circa 1951 in the former Yugoslavia, is a college administrator and professor of electrical engineering. In 2005 she was appointed the fourth president of Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston.

Pantic was previously the founding Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Texas at San Antonio and, for four years, Director of the School of Engineering at San Francisco State University.

Education and Affiliations

Zorica Pantic received her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Nis, Yugoslavia (Serbia), in 1975, 1978, and 1982, respectively. She has 30 years of academic and teaching experience. She served on the engineering faculty of the University of Nis (1975-1984), SFSU (1989-2001), and UTSA (2001-2004). She was a Fulbright Fellow and a Visiting Scientist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from 1984-1989. She has published more than 80 journal and conference papers.

Pantic is a Senior Member of IEEE and served on various committees of the [http://www.ewh.ieee.org/soc/emcs/IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society] (EMC-S) until 2004 [http://www.ieee.org/organizations/pubs/newsletters/emcs/winter05/bod.html] . She served on the EMC-S Board of Directors and as Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Santa Clara Valley EMC-S Chapter. She is also a member of the American Society for Engineering Education and serves on the ASEE Projects Board, President's Award Committee, and Contact Committee.

She is a member of the IEEE Women in Engineering, Society of Women Engineers, and American Society for Higher Education, as well as a member of the Engineering Deans Council and the EDC Public Policy Committee. She served on various National Academy of Engineering panels and committees. Pantic received the Woman Entrepreneur of the Year award from the San Antonio Women Chamber of Commerce and is a graduate of the Leadership America program.


At University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)

As the Engineering Dean at UTSA, she spearheaded the College of Engineering's and UTSA's efforts to become a flagship university in the state of Texas and a top-tier research university in the U.S.

During her tenure, the College started three new PhD engineering programs (Biomedical, Electrical, and Environmental) and one MS program (Computer Engineering). The college created a new Department of Biomedical Engineering and a Center for Response and Security Engineering and Technology, doubled the number of faculty, and increased its research funding tenfold to $7 million in active grants.

Pantic also secured $2.5 million in federal funding to establish a Material Science and Engineering Laboratory at the former Kelly Air Force Base. Through strategic partnerships with various state and national agencies, national companies and small businesses, she raised more than $5 million in various donations and equipment grants.

She revived relationships with engineering alumni and was instrumental in securing a $250,000 endowment donation, the single largest alumni gift to the College and UTSA. In her last four years, the College increased its enrollment by 75%, being especially effective in attracting female students (83% enrollment increase) and minorities (50% of students are Hispanics).

At San Francisco State University

While at SFSU, Pantic improved the engineering programs in quality, size and visibility, and, as a result -- for the first time in SFSU historythe programs were ranked among the top 50 undergraduate programs by "US News & World Report".

She established a Partnership for Engineering Education that resulted in 30 percent enrollment increase and played a crucial role in shaping and bringing to life a partnership with a neighboring community college to offer upper-division engineering courses there.

This project now serves as a blueprint for cooperation between the 23-campus California State University (CSU) system, of which San Francisco State is a member, and California's community colleges. Through a partnership with the local chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and a major grant from the National Science Foundation, she established a Center for Applied Electromagnetics that supports undergraduate and graduate research.

Pantic was active in state-level fundraising for engineering programs. She worked with fellow CSU Engineering deans on the successful $10-million California Workforce Initiative to support strategic disciplines such as agriculture, biotechnology, computer science, engineering, and nursing. She also served on the Executive Committee of the Texas Engineering and Technology Consortium, a private-public partnership that raised $8 million to increase the number of engineering and computer science graduates in the state of Texas.

President of Wentworth Institute

Pantic was announced as Wentworth Institute of Technologys fourth president on June 8th, 2005. She took office August 1, 2005 and is the first female engineer to head an institute of technology [http://www.wit.edu/president/bio.html] . She was formally installed as president of the institute on April 5, 2006 at her [http://www.wit.edu/inauguration/webcast.htm inauguration ceremony] .

External links

Press releases

* Wentworth announcements: [http://www.wit.edu/witnews/pantic-tanner.html 1] and [http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=danews.story&STORY=/www/story/06-08-2005/0003824664&EDATE=WED+Jun+08+2005,+10:01+AM 2]
* [http://www.utsa.edu/today/2005/06/pantic.cfm UTSA Today]

Press coverage

* [http://www.boston.com/news/education/higher/articles/2005/06/08/wentworth_gets_1st_woman_chief/ Boston Globe] . Also at [http://www.wit.edu/president/docs/News/globe.pdf wit.edu.]
* [http://www.uh.edu/ednews/2005/saex/200506/20050609utsa.htm San Antonio Express-News]


Present - 2000

* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Introduction to the Finite Element Method Primer," Invited Workshop, 2003 IEEE EMC Symp. Workshops, Boston, MA, August, 2003.

* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Introduction to the Finite Element Method Primer," Invited Workshop, 2002 IEEE EMC Symp. Workshops, Tutorials & Experiments Notes, Minneapolis, MN, August, 2002.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, F. Gisin, "The Effect of Edge Treatment on the Excitation of Undesired Resonance Modes in Printed Circuit Boards by Broadband Digital Logic Signals," 2002 AP-S/URSI Proc., San Antonio, TX, June, 2002.
* R. Dahlgren, Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Electromagnetic Emission from "Dielectric" Optical Fiber Cables," 2002 PhoPack Symposium., Stanford, CA, July, 2002.
* R. Dahlgren, Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Electromagnetic Emission from "Dielectric" Optical Fiber Cables," ECTC Conf. Proc., San Diego, CA, May, 2002.
* F. Gisin, Z. Pantic-Tanner, "How to Div Grad Kink and Curl Electrons Into Generating Unwanted Radiated Emissions," IEEE EMC Newsletter, Winter Issue, 2002.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, F. Gisin, "How to Div Grad Kink and Curl Electrons Into Generating Unwanted Radiated Emissions," Invited Presentation, Technical Meeting, Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society, March, 2002.

* F. Gisin , Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Radiation From Printed Circuit Board Edge Structures," 2001 IEEE EMC Symp. Proc., Montreal, Canada, 2001.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, " Integrated EMC Education at San Francisco State University," 2001 ASEE Conf. Proc., Albuquerque, NM, 2001.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, F. Gisin, "Parallel Traces are Just the Beginning: A Primer on Four Printed Circuit Board Coupling Mechanisms," Invited Presentation, Technical Meeting, Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society, May, 2001.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Introduction to the Finite Element Method Primer," Invited Workshop, 2001 IEEE EMC Symp. Workshops, Tutorials & Experiments Notes, 2001.

* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Edge Effects on Printed Circuit Boards," Invited Presentation, Technical Meeting, Orange County Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society, October, 2000.
* F. Gisin , Z. Pantic-Tanner, "The EMC Impact of Routing True Differential and Quasi-Differential I/O Signals Across Split Ground Planes," Invited Paper in the Challenging EMC Problems Session, 2000 IEEE EMC Symp. Proc., Vol. 1, pp.325-327, Washington, DC, 2000.
* F. Gisin , Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Using the FDTD Method for Finding Edge Emissions from a PC Board, ," Invited Paper in the Challenging EMC Problems Session, 2000 IEEE EMC Symp. Proc., Washington, DC, 2000.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Introduction to the Finite Element Method Primer," Invited Workshop, 2000 IEEE EMC Symp. Workshops, Tutorials & Experiments Notes, 2000.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, F. Gisin, "EMC Effects of Radiated Fields Coupling into Electronic Enclosures," 2000 IEEE AP-S/URSI Symposium Proc., pp. 214, Salt Lake City, 2000.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, F. Gisin, "Radiation from Edge Effects in Printed Circuit Boards," Invited Presentation at the Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the IEEE EMC Society, http://www.atlantis-bbs.com/scvemec/meetingarchive.html, May 2000.

1999 - 1990

* Z. Pantic-Tanner, F. Gisin, Monica Harrison, Wilson Fung, "Shielding Effectiveness," 1999 IEEE TELSIKS Conf., Nish, Yu, 1999.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "The Finite Element Method Primer," Invited Workshop, 1999 IEEE EMC Symp. Workshops, Tutorials & Experiments Notes, 1999.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, F. Gisin, Monica Harrison, Wilson Fung, "Radiated Field Coupling into Enclosures via Aperture," 1999 IEEE AP-S/URSI Symposium Proc., pp. 330, Orlando, 1999.
* Zorica Pantic-Tanner and Don Eden, "Calculation of Protein Form Birefringence using the Finite Element Method," Biophysical Journal, Vol. 76, No. 6, pp. 2943, 1999.

* Zorica Pantic-Tanner, Edwin Salgado, and Franz Gisin, "Cross coupling between the power and signal traces on printed circuit boards," Proc. of 1998 IEEE EMC Symp., pp. 624, 1998.
* F. Gisin and Zorica Pantic-Tanner, "Analysis of the measurement uncertainty associated with 1/r extrapolation of radiated emission measurements on an open area test site," Proc. of 1998 IEEE EMC Symp., pp. 137, 1998
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "The Finite Element Method Primer," Invited Workshop, 1998 IEEE EMC Symp. Workshops Tutorials & Experiments Notes, Denver, CO, 1998.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, M. Mack, M. Wilson, F. Gisin, M. Salazar-Palma, "Radiated Field Coupling to Signal Cables," 1998 AP-S/URSI Symp. Dig., pp. 231, 1998.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Elements of Electromagnetic Compatibility, Invited Tutorial, SCV EMC98 Colloquium Tutorial, Santa Clara, May 1998.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, J. S. Savage, D. R. Tanner, and A. F. Peterson, "Two-Dimensional Singular Vector Elements for Finite-Element Analysis, " IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 178, 1998.

* Zorica Pantic-Tanner, Franz Gisin, Mary Wilson, and Michael Mack, "E-field Coupling On To Vehicle Wiring," 1997 IEEE TELSIKS Conference Proc., Vol.2, pp. 819, 1997.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Compatibility," Invited Tutorial, 1997 Westin Excellence Symposium, Asilomar, Sep., 1997.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, E. Salgado, D. Tanner, F. Gisin, "Cross-coupling between the power and signal traces on printed circuit boards," 1997 AP-S/URSI Symp. Dig., pp. 353, 1997.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, J. S. Savage, D. R. Tanner, A. F. Peterson, "A 2-D edge-based singular element for the full-wave finite-element analysis," 1997 AP-S/URSI Conference Symp. Dig., pp. 692, 1997.

* Eden, D., Luu, B., Pantic-Tanner, Z., "Molecular motors: power stroke and dipole orientation of kinesin and ncd determined by transient electric birefringence," International Biophysical Conference, Amsterdam, August, 1996.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, S. Pantic, and Don Eden, "Birefringence calculation using the finite element method," 1996 AP-S/URSI Symp. Dig., pp. 126, 1996.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, S. Pantic, and Don Eden, "Birefringence calculation using the finite element method," International ETRAN Conference, Budva, June, Yu, 1996.
* S. Pantic, Z. Pantic-Tanner, and Don Eden, "Calculation of effective dielectric constant using the finite element method," International Applied Electrostatics Conference, Nish, Yu, May, 1996.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, and Don Eden, "Form birefringence calculations using the finite element method," Biophysical Society Meeting, Baltimore, February, 1996.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, S. Pantic, "Edge-based singular elements for finite element analysis of waveguides", Facta Universitatis, pp. 87, Yu., 1996.

* Z. Pantic-Tanner, S. Pantic, "Edge-based singular elements for finite element analysis of waveguides", 1995 IEEE TELSIKS Conference Proc., pp. 56-59, 1995.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, R. Mittra, "A Finite Element Method with Higher-order Infinite Elements for Quasi-TEM Analysis of Microwave Transmission Lines", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 7, No. 8, pp. 234-240, 1995.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, G. Mavronikolas, and R. Mittra, "A Finite Element Method with Numerical Absorbing Boundary Condition for Quasi-TEM Analysis of Microwave Transmission Lines", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 7, No. 6, pp. 134-136, 1995.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, D. Tanner, S. Savage, and A. Peterson, "The treatment of edge singularities in waveguiding problems using a finite element method based on edge elements", 1995 IEEE AP/URSI Symp. Dig., pp. 104, 1995.

* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Electromagnetic Modeling in High-rate Data Systems", 1994 IEEE AP/URSI Symp. Dig., pp. 235, 1994.

* V. Litovski, Z. Tanner, "Artificial Neural Network Application in Electronic Circuit Analysis," Proc. of World Congress on Neural Networks,. I-392-399, Portland, OR, 1993.

* Z. Pantic-Tanner, D. Tanner, "Electromagnetic Modeling in High-rate Data Systems", 1992 AP/URSI Symp. Dig., pp. 48, 1992.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Magnetic Fields in Non-residential Settings," Primer for Electric Power Research Institute, February, 1992.

* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Experimental Study of Magnetic Fields Produced by Kitchen Appliances", Technical Report for PG&E, September, 1991.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Experimental Study of Electric and Magnetic Fields Produced by Household Appliances," 1991 AP-S/URSI International Conference, 1991 URSI Int. Symp. Dig., pp. 84, 1991.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, "ELF/VLF Magnetic Fields Produced by Household Appliances," Region A/B Society of Women Engineers Conference, San Francisco, February, 1991.

* S. Castillo, Z. Pantic and R. Mittra, "Finite element analysis of multiconductor printed-circuit transmission-line systems," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 29, pp. 1033-1047, 1990.

1989 - 1980

* Z. Pantic-Tanner, C. H. Chan, and R. Mittra, "Finite-element analysis of anisotropic waveguides with storage reduction and elimination of spurious modes," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 3-6, 1989.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner and R. Mittra, "On use of high-order infinite elements in quasi-static FEM solution," 1989 URSI Int. Symp. Dig., pp. 64, 1989. D. R. Tanner and Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Analysis of a stacked-patch antenna fed by an aperture coupled microstrip line," 1989 URSI Int. Symp. Dig., pp. 104, 1989

* C. H. Chan, Z. Pantic-Tanner, and R. Mittra, "Field behaviour near a conducting edge embedded in an inhomogeneous anisotropic medium", Electronics Letters vol 24, No. 6, pp. 355-356, 1988.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, R. Mittra, "Finite-element matrices for loss calculation in quasi-TEM analysis of microwave transmission lines", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol 1, No. 4, pp. 142-146, 1988.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, R. Mittra, "Calculation of characteristic impedance of planar, inhomogeneous transmission lines for digital circuit applications," Archiv fur Elektronik und Ubertragungstechnik, vol 42, No. 5, pp. 325-327, 1988.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, R. Mittra, "Full-wave analysis of isolated and coupled microwave transmission lines using the finite-element method," Archiv fur Elektronik und Ubertragungstechnik, vol 42, No. 6, pp. 370-374, 1988.
* Z. Pantic-Tanner, C. H. Chan, and R. Mittra, "The treatment of edge singularities in the full-wave finite element solution of waveguiding problems", 1988 URSI Int. Sym. Dig., Syracuse, 1988.
* Y. T. Lo, D. R. Tanner, and Z. Pantic-Tanner, "Analysis of a stacked rectangular patch antenna fed by a microstrip line through an aperture", Technical Report, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1988.

* Z. Pantic, "Full-wave analysis of isolated and coupled microwave transmission lines by the finite element method," Proc. of XXVIII ETAN Conference, vol. II, pp. 391-398, Bled, 1987.
* Z. Pantic and R. Mittra, "Quasi-TEM analysis of isolated and coupled microwave transmission lines by the finite element method," DAAG 29-85-K-0183, EMC Report, No. 87-1, 1987.
* Z. Pantic and R. Mittra, "Full-wave analysis of isolated and coupled microwave transmission lines," DAAG 29-85-K-0183, EMC Report, No. 87-2, 1987.
* Z. Pantic and R. Mittra, "Quasi-TEM analysis of isolated and coupled microwave transmission lines by the finite element method," DAAG 29-85-K-0183, EMC Report, No. 87-1, 1987.

* Z. Pantic, S. Castillo and R. Mittra, "Application of the finite element method for electromagnetic modeling of high speed digital circuits," 1986 URSI Int. Symp. Dig., pp. 65, Philadelphia, 1986.
* Z. Pantic and R. Mittra, "Full-wave analysis of isolated and coupled microwave transmission lines," 1986 URSI Int. Symp. Dig., Pt. A, pp. 179-181 Budapest, Hungary, 1986.
* Z. Pantic and R. Mittra, "Quasi-TEM analysis of isolated and coupled microwave transmission lines," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-34, No. 11, pp. 1096-1103, Nov. 1986.

* Z. Pantic and R. Mittra, "Quasi-TEM analysis of isolated and coupled microwave transmission lines by the finite element method," 1985 URSI Int. Symp. Dig., pp. 68, Vancouver, Canada, 1985.

* J.V. Surutka and Z.Z. Pantic, "A directional medium-frequency transmitting antenna comprising a single guyed mast and a sloping-wire parasitic radiator," Proc. of XXVIII ETAN Conference, vol. II, pp. 391-398, Split, 1984.
* Z.Z. Pantic, "Accurate evaluation of magnetic field in the synthesis of electromagnets," Elektrotehnika, vol. XXXIII, No. 6, pp. 813-817, 1984.

* Z.Z. Pantic, "Program package for analysis of thin-wire antennas by Hallen's type integral equations," Proc. of XXVII ETAN Conference, vol. II, pp. 359-366, Struga, 1983.

* D.M. Velickovic and Z.Z. Pantic, "Thin-wire antennas in the presence of a perfectly conducting body of revolution," The Radio and Electronic Engineer, vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 297-303, 1982.
* Z.Z. Pantic, "Thin-wire axial antennas in the presence of a perfectly conducting body of revolution," Proc. of XXVI ETAN Conference, vol. II, pp. 571-578, (The best paper in Antennas and Propagation Section), Subotica, 1982.
* Z.Z. Pantic, "Radial monopole antenna on a perfectly conducting sphere ," Proc. of VI Symposium of Informatica, pp. 212-1 212-8, Jahorina, 1982.
* Z.Z. Pantic, "Monopole antenna with lumped impedance loadings radially mounted on a perfectly conducting sphere," Proc. of YUTEL, pp. F/6-1 F/6-5, Ljubljana, 1982.
* D.M. Velickovic and Z.Z. Pantic, "Radially oriented thin-wire antenna in the presence of a perfectly conducting sphere - numerical results," Proc. of VI Symposium of Informatica, pp. 212-1 212-8, Jahorina, 1982.

* D.M. Velickovic and Z.Z. Pantic, "Axially oriented thin-wire antennas near perfectly conducting body of revolution," Elektrotehnika, vol. XXX, No. 6, pp. 997-1006, 1981.
* D.M. Velickovic and Z.Z. Pantic, "Radially oriented thin-wire antenna in the presence of a perfectly conducting sphere - theory," Proc. of V Symposium of Informatica, pp. 317-1 - 317-8, Jahorina, 1981.
* D.M. Velickovic and Z.Z. Pantic, "Axially oriented thin-wire antenna near perfectly conducting spheroid," Proc. of XXV ETAN Conference, vol. II, pp. 575-582, Mostar, 1981.
* D.M. Velickovic and Z.Z. Pantic, "Numerical evaluation of integrals" Formula Picture Proc. of XVI Symposium of Informatica, pp. 3-214/1 - 3-214/2, Ljubljana, 1981.

* J.V. Surutka, Z.Z. Pantic and P.D. Rancic,"Monopole antenna with multi-element counterpoise," Proc. of XXIV ETAN Conference, vol. II, pp. 417-423, Pristina, 1980.

1979 - 1971

* Z.Z. Pantic,"Cage-dipole antenna driven by a two-wire line," Archiv fur Elektronik und Ubertragungstechnik, Band 33, pp. 329-330, 1979.
* D.M. Velickovic and Z.Z. Pantic, "On some summation formulas," Proc. of III Symposium of Informatica, pp. 306-1 - 306-6, Jahorina, 1979.
* D.M. Velickovic and Z.Z. Pantic, "Radiation resistance and pattern of wire antennas in the presence of conducting bodies," Proc. of XXIII ETAN Conference, vol. II, pp. 449-456, (The best paper in Antennas and Propagation Section), Maribor, 1979.
* D.M. Velickovic, B.D. Milovanovic and Z.Z. Pantic, "A contribution to the evaluation of spherical Bessel functions" Proc. of XIV Symposium of Informatica, pp. 3-214, Bled, 1979.
* D.M. Velickovic and Z.Z. Pantic, "A new numerical method for calculating the equivalent radius of uniform antennas," Proc. of VI Colloquium on Microwave Communication, vol. III, pp. 4/25.1-25.4, Budapest, 1978.
* Z.Z. Pantic, "Cage-dipole antenna driven by a two-wire line," Proc. of XXII ETAN Conference, vol. II, pp. 391-398, Zadar, 1978.
* Z.Z. Pantic, "Receiving antenna," Proc. of XXI ETAN Conference, vol. II, pp. 291-297, Banja Luka, 1977
* Z.Z. Pantic, "A new numerical method for calculating the equivalent radius of uniform antennas," Proc. of XX ETAN Conference, pp. 491-499, Opatija, 1976.
* Z.Z. Pantic, "Application of matrix calculation to linear DC networks," Naucni podmladak, No. 2-3, pp. 35-46, Nis, 1971.

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