- Prionus
image_width = 250px
image_caption = "Prionus californicus " Motschulsky, 1845, female
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
classis =Insect a
ordo = Coleoptera
superfamilia =Chrysomeloidea
familia =Cerambycidae
subfamilia =Prioninae
tribus =Prionini
genus = "Prionus"
genus_authority = Geoffroy, 1762 [ITIS|ID=701988|taxon=Prionus]subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = ~40 species (see text)"Prionus" Geoffroy, 1762 is a genus of
long-horned beetle s of the subfamilyPrioninae , tribePrionini , with some 40 species, widespread inEurope ,Asia andNorth America .Description
The members of this genus are large (25-70 mm) and usually brown or black.
All members of the genus "Prionus" have twelve or more strongly toothed or even flabellate
antennomere s on their large antennae. The only species present in England is "The Tanner", "Prionus coriarius " (Linnaeus , 1758).Common North American species include the "Tile-horned Prionus", "
Prionus imbricornis ", the "California root borer", "Prionus californicus ", and the "Broad-necked root borer", "Prionus laticollis ".Biology
The adults are
nocturnal and are attracted to light, while theirlarvae feed on rotting wood or roots.References
External links
* [http://www.biolib.cz/en/taxon/id11002/ check-list of world-wide "Prionus"-species]
* [http://www.cerambycoidea.com/specieric.asp?Tipo=R&RIC=prionus gallery of "Prionus"-species]
* [http://bugguide.net/node/view/3142 Bugguide.net page on "Prionus"]
* [http://www.ag.uidaho.edu/pses/Research/r_ent_hoppest_calprionus.htm "Prionus californicus"]
* [http://www.ento.vt.edu/Fruitfiles/Prionus.html Prionus borers]
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