Yvonne Maria Schaefer

Yvonne Maria Schaefer

Infobox actor
name = Yvonne Maria Schaefer

caption =
birthplace = Frankfurt, Germany

Yvonne Maria Schaefer is a film actress.


Early life

Born in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. On her father's side she is of French and South American descent, and on her mother's side she is German. After taking her Abitur (American SAT exam), she studied psychology but later dropped out of university. Already as a child, Schaefer regularly watched movies together with her grandmother who, at young age, was a theater actress. Schaefer explained that this had inspired her interest in acting.In 1999, she enrolled at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute where she was trained. Schaefer is partial to traveling and sports like snowboarding, motor biking and sky diving.


As a child, Schaefer began working as a photo model. She attended a ballet school and performed in several stage productions. Later Schaefer began working as a model in Europe, Asia and in the USA.She appeared in numerous music videos, including those of Apoptygma Berzerk (In this together), Sub7even and Melanie Thornton (Makin' Oooh). Schaefer attended acting classes and workshops and received speech and voice training.In 2002, Schaefer appeared in the TV series "SOS Barracuda" and played the girlfriend of Hans Zischler. Schaefer played alongside Claude-Oliver Rudolph and Juergen Prochnow. In 2004, she played her first leading role in the low budget film "Trece 13". She also starred in numerous short movies. Schaefer sang back vocals with Joe Cocker and Vanessa Mae. Schaefer also appeared in sports and action documentaries.The lifestyle magazine "Maxim" voted her "The Action Girl".

Partial filmography

*"Chaostage" (2008), [http://www.chaostage-film.de/new/cast.html Website]
*"Ein Fall für Zwei - Schmutzige Hände", TV (2007)
*"Hans im Glück", TV (2007)
*"Auf den Spuren des Hans im Glück", TV (2006)
*"Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei - Der Kommissar", TV (2004)
*"Hai-Alarm auf Mallorca", TV (2004)
*"Beauty Queen - Das zweite Gesicht", TV (2004)
*"S.O.S. Barracuda - Auftrag: Mord!", TV (2002)
*"S.O.S. Barracuda - Der Mädchenjäger", TV (2001)

External links

* [http://www.yvonne-maria.com Official website]
*imdb name|id=1908742|name=Yvonne Maria Schaefer
* [http://www.odeonfilm.de/fernsehen_02_02_01.php?id=2669&sid=1&suchbegriff=&start=0 A case for two, Monaco Film]

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