Umm Jamil

Umm Jamil

Umm Jamil bint Harb ( _ar. أم جميل بنت حرب) was the wife of Abu Lahab, an enemy of Muhammed and the sister of Abu Sufyan. She is mentioned in chapter 111 of the Quran.

It is said that one day she went to the Ka'aba where Abu Bakr and Muhammad were praying. She did not see Muhammad and addressed Abu Bakr saying:

:"I hear that Muhammad is satirizing me. If I find him I will smash him. We reject the reprobate. His words we repudiate; His religion, we loathe and hate."

When Abu Bakr remonstrated with her, she abused him.

Umm Jamil would regularly dump filth outside Muhammad's door and carry thorns and place them in the way of

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