
Created by J. Braakman
Date created 1888
Setting and usage International auxiliary language
Category (purpose)
Language codes
ISO 639-3

Mundolinco is a constructed language created by the Dutch author J. Braakman in 1888. It is notable for apparently being the first Esperantido, i.e. the first Esperanto derivative.

Major changes from Esperanto include combining the adjective and adverb with the grammatical ending -e (where Esperanto uses -a for adjectives and -e for adverbs), changes to the verb conjugations, an increase in the number of Latin roots, and new affixes such as the superlative suffix -osim- where Esperanto uses the particle plej. It seems there was no accusative or adjectival agreement.

Numerals 110: un, du, tres, cvarto, cvinto, siso, septo, octo, nono, desem.

There are no diacritics in the alphabet.


  • Mundolinco:
Digne Amiso! Hodie mi factos conesso con el nove universe linco del sinjoro Braakman. Mi perstudies ho linco presimente en cvinto hori ! … Ce ho linco essos el fasilosime del mundo
  • Esperanto:
Digna Amiko! Hodiaŭ mi ekkonis la novan universalan lingvon de sinjoro Braakman. Mi pristudis tiun lingvon rapide en kvin horoj! … Ĉi tiu lingvo estas la plej facila de la mondo
  • English:
Dignified friend! Today I became aware of the new universal language of Mr Braakman. I studied that language rapidly over five hours! … This language is the easiest in the world


  • Braakmann, J. System voor eene internationale Reis- of Handelstaal: onder der naam van El Mundolinco, Dat is Wereldtaal. 2nd edition. Noordwijk, J.C. van Dillen, 1894.

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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