

*BoCo is a nickname for the Boeing Company, the commercial airplane manufacturer and defense contractor.

*BoCo is a nickname for the Boston Conservatory, an arts conservatory in Boston, Massachusetts.

*BoCo is the name of a fictional diesel locomotive in The Railway Series by Rev. W. Awdry, and the Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends TV Series.

*Boco is a chocobo character that often shows up in the Squaresoft video games , including "Final Fantasy V" and "Final Fantasy Tactics".

*BoCo "or alternatively" CoBo is a locomotive wheel arrangement description using the UIC classification system.

*BOCO in a mining environment means Base of Complete Oxidation.

*Romauld Boco, Beninese football player.

*Boco is a small agricultural Locality or Townland in the Quillota Province, Chile.

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