Opus Dei bibliography

Opus Dei bibliography

Writings of Josemaría Escrivá


Writings about Escrivá and his works

By Opus Dei members or publishers

* B. Badrinas, ed., "Testimonies on Josemaria Escriva, Founder of Opus Dei", Sinagtala 1992. – collection of some testimonies given by ecclesiastical officials which were used for the beatification process.
*-- collection of contributions to a theological symposium; contributors include Ratzinger, del Portillo, Cottier, dalla Torre, Ocariz, Illanes, Aranda, Burggraf and an address by John Paul II.
* -- A study of Opus Dei based on the life story and work of its founder written by a professor of history at the University of Cologne.
*cite book|author=Federico Delclaux|title=Santa María en los escritos del Beato Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer |publisher=Rialp |year=1992 |id=ISBN 84-321-2946-1
* Javier Echevarria, "Memoría del Beato Josemaría Escriva", Rialp, 2000. ISBN 84-321-3305-1
* Dennis Helming, "Footprints in the snow. A pictorial biography of the founder of Opus Dei." Scepter 1986. - the first biography written by an American.
* Francisco Ponz, "Mi encuentro con el Fundador del Opus Dei. Madrid, 1939-1944" Eunsa, 2000
* Alvaro del Portillo, Cesare Cavalleri, "Immersed in God: Blessed Josemaria Escriva, Founder of Opus Dei As Seen by His Successor, Bishop Alvaro Del Portillo", Scepter Publishers 1996 ISBN 0933932855
* Andres Vasquez de Prada: "The Founder of Opus Dei. The Life of Josemaria Escrivá", Scepter Publishers 1997.
* Pilar Urbano, "El hombre de Villa Tevere: los años romanos de Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer," Plaza & Janés, 1995. ISBN 84-9793-378-

By others

* William May, [http://www.christendom-awake.org/pages/may/may-escriva.htm Holiness and Ordinary Life in the Teaching of Saint Josemaria Escriva] - theological analysis of Escrivá's teachings
* Salvador Bernal, "Msgr. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer: a profile of the Founder of Opus Dei", Veritas 1978.
* Jesús Ynfante [http://www.opuslibros.org/libros/Santo_fundador/indice.htm El santo fundador del Opus Dei. Biografía completa de Josemaría Escrivá]

Writings about Opus Dei

By Opus Dei members and publishers

* [http://www.odan.org/statutes_1982.htm 1982 Statutes of Opus Dei] -- Latin and English (unauthorized translation)
* -- a French scholar's synthesis
* -- two canonists and a theologian study the juridical nature and history of Opus Dei
* O'Connor, William: "Opus Dei: An Open Book. A Reply to the Secret World of Opus Dei by Michael Walsh," Mercier 1991
* -- a 5-year research in 10 countries conducted by a senior journalist and deputy editor of the "Australian"
* John Coverdale: "Uncommon Faith: The Early Years of Opus Dei (1928-1943)," Scepter Publications, 2002. ISBN 188933474X
* -- professor of anthropology explains various aspects of Opus Dei
* François Gondrand, "At God's Pace", Scepter 1989.
* José Orlandis, "Mis recuerdos: primeros tiempos del Opus Dei en Roma" Rialp, 1995 ISBN 84-321-3090-7
* -- an ecclesiological and theological study of Opus Dei
* -- a study of an Italian essayist
* Antonio Viana, “Law and spirit: on the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Opus Dei as a Personal Prelature,” Number 36, January-June 2003, Romana.
*Joaquin Navarro Valls. [http://www.josemariaescriva.info/showdocuments.php?id=54&modeprint=active','width=550,height=550,top=100,left=50,resizable,scrollbars,copyhistory,toolbar,menubar','popupwindow'); The Human Realism of Sanctity] . "Information Office of Opus Dei on the Internet."

By others

* John Paul II, [http://www.ewtn.com/library/CURIA/CBISUTSI.HTM Papal Bull "Ut Sit" Establishing the Personal Prelature of Opus Dei]
* John Paul II, [http://gabriel.mps.ohio-state.edu/od/opus.dec "Christifideles Omnes", Papal Decree on Escriva's Heroic Virtues]
*Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI), [http://www.ewtn.com/library/curia/cdfjosma.htm Opus Dei and St. Josemaria: Letting God work]
* Cardinal José Saraiva Martins, [http://www.ewtn.com/library/CURIA/CCSJOSMA.HTM St. Josemaria: God's Instrument for Opus Dei]
*Richard John Neuhaus, [http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft9511/public.html The Work of God in "First Things."]
* Allen, John, Jr. (2005). [http://www.nationalcatholicreporter.org/word/pfw121605.htm "Opus Dei: an Objective Look Behind the Myths and Reality of the Most Controversial Force in the Catholic Church"] , Doubleday Religion. ISBN 0385514492book written after 300 hours of interviews by a journalist of "National Catholic Reporter", a left leaning newspaper; link refers to a summary Q&A
*Allen, John, Jr. (2005). [http://catholiceducation.org/articles/facts/fm0052.html Opus Dei: An Introduction] , [http://www.randomhouse.ca/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780385514491&view=excerpt Chapter I: A Quick Overview] , [http://www.godspy.com/faith/Opus-Dei-Contemplatives-in-the-Middle-of-the-World-by-John-Allen.cfm Chapter 4: Contemplatives in the Middle of the World] , [http://ncronline.org/NCR_Online/archives2/2005d/102805/102805r.php Chapter 7: Opus Dei and Secrecy] - 4 on-line excerpts from John Allen's "Opus Dei"
* Allen, John, Jr. (24 March 2005). [http://www.religionnewsblog.com/10715 "Decoding Opus Dei"] . An Interview with John Allen, by Edward Pentin. "Newsweek". — a short summary of his book
*Allen, John, Jr. (14 December 2005). [http://cceia.org/viewMedia.php/prmTemplateID/8/prmID/5285"Opus Dei: The First Objective Look Behind the Myths and Reality of the Most Controversial Force in the Catholic Church"] . Carnegie Council, New York City. — edited transcript of remarks, part of "The Resurgence of Religion in Politics Series"
* Allen, John, Jr. (January 2006). [http://www.godspy.com/reviews/Opus-Dei-An-Interview-with-John-Allen-by-John-Romanowsky.cfm "Unveiling Opus Dei"] . An Interview with John Allen, by John Romanowsky. "Godspy."
* -- an investigation ("Un' indagine", the original Italian title) done by a journalist
* -- the first serious study on Opus Dei to be published, written by a French journalist
* Massimo Introvigne, [http://www.cesnur.org/2005/mi_94.htm Opus Dei and the Anti-cult Movement in "Cristianità" n. 229 (1994)]
* Christoph Cardinal Schönborn, "Are there sects in the Catholic Church?" "L'Osservatore Romano" Weekly Edition in English, 13/20 August 1997, page 3.
*Azanza, Ana.(Spanish) (2004) [http://opuslibros.org/nuevaweb/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1766 Diecinueve años de mi vida caminando en una mentira: OPUS DEI] El olivo
*E.B.E.(Spanish) (mayo de 2005) [http://www.opuslibros.org/escritos/obra_como_ebe.htm La Obra como enfermedad (y a veces mortal)]
* Gustavo (Spanish) Marzo 2004 [http://www.opuslibros.org/libros/loqueelopus_sellevo.htm Lo que el Opus se llevó]
*Silver, Vernon; Smith, Michael. 30 April 2006. [http://www.azstarnet.com/business/126805 " Opus Dei's spiritual quest rooted in work, business"] . Bloomberg News.
*Economic Times. (20 Mat 2006). [http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1539504.cms We are no ruthless cult, says Opus Dei]
*Deborah Dundas. (19 May 2006). [http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/features/story.jsp?story=691651 Inside Opus Dei]
*Brancoli, Rodolfo (June-July 2002). [http://www.liberalfondazione.it/archivio/fl/numero%2012/brancoli.htm"Il fantasma dell'Opera: Storia di un'avversione che si sta trasformando in simpatia"] . "Liberal". — "The Phantom of the Opus ('Opera')": story of an aversion that is turning into understanding." An article in a left-of-centre Italian magazine
* Gaspari, Antonio (June-July 1995). [http://www.ewtn.com/library/SPIRIT/NEWWAY.HTM "A New Way for the Church?"] . "Inside the Vatican". Provided courtesy of EWTN
*Goodstein, Laurie (7 February 2006). [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/07/national/07opus.html?ex=1296968400&en=1aabd1ef5a07367a&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rssCatholic "Group Says of 'Da Vinci Code' Film: It's Just Fiction"] . "New York Times".
*Howse, Christopher (October 2005). [http://www.thetablet.co.uk/cgi-bin/book_review.cgi?past-00255 Out of the Shadows: Book Review of Allen's "Opus Dei: Secrets and Power in the Catholic Church"] . "Tablet".
* Introvigne, Massimo (May 1994). [http://www.cesnur.org/2005/mi_94.htm "Opus Dei and the Anti-cult Movement"] . "Cristianità", 229, p. 3-12.
*König, Franz Cardinal (9 November 1975). [http://opusdei.netfirms.com/opus-dei-0036.htm "Il significato dell Opus Dei"] . "Corriere della Sera".
*Luciani, Albino Cardinal (John Paul I) (25 July 78). [http://gabriel.mps.ohio-state.edu/od/opus.see "Seeking God through everyday work"] . "Il Gazzettino" Venice.
* Martin, James, S.J. (25 February 1995). [http://www.americamagazine.org/articles/martin-opusdei.cfm "Opus Dei in the United States"] . "America Magazine".
*Martins, José Saraiva. (9 October 2002). [http://www.opusdei.org/art.php?w=32&p=4959 "St. Josemaría: God's instrument for the Work"] . "L'Osservatore Romano".
* — an investigation ("Un' indagine", the original Italian title) done by the journalist behind [http://www.catholic.net/RCC/POPE/HopeBook/toc.html "Crossing the Threshold of Hope"] and the [http://www.catholic.net/RCC/POPE/HopeBook/toc.html "Ratzinger Report"]
*Neuhaus, Richard John (November 1995). [http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft9511/public.html "The Work of God"] . "First Things", 57, p.71-87.
*Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal (Benedict XVI) (9 October 2002). [http://www.ewtn.com/library/curia/cdfjosma.htm "St. Josemaria: God is very much at work in our world today"] . "L'Osservatore Romano Weekly Edition in English", p. 3.
* Royal, Robert (May 1998). [http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft9805/reviews/royal.html "Books in Review: Opus Dei"] . "First Things". 83, p. 56-59.
* — the first serious study on Opus Dei to be published, written by a French journalist
*Van Biema, David (24 April 2006). [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1184078-1,00.html "The Ways of Opus Dei"] . "Time Magazine". Cover Story.

About Opus Dei in Spain

* Arango, E. Ramón. 1995 (1985). "Spain. Democracy Regained (Second Edition)". Boulder, CO: Westview.
* Carr, Raymond, and Juan Pablo Fusi. 1991 (1979). "Spain: Dictatorship to democracy". London: Routledge.
* De Blaye, Edouard. 1976 (1974). Franco and the Politics of Spain. Middlessex: Penguin. [original title Franco ou la monarchie sans roi, Editions Stock]
*Descola, Jean. "O Espagne," Albin Michel, Paris, 1976.
* Ellwood, Sheelagh. 1994. "Franco". Harlow, UK: Longman.
* Graham, Robert. 1984. "Spain. Change of a Nation". London: Michael Joseph.
* Gunther, Richard. 1980. "Public Policy in a No-Party State. Spanish Planning and Budgeting in the Twilight of the Franquist Era". Berkeley, CA: University of California.]
* Gunther. Richard. 1980. "Public Policy in a No-Party State. Spanish Planning and Budgeting in the Twilight of the Franquist Era". Berkeley: University of California.
* Herr, Richard. 1971. "Spain". Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
* Hills, George. 1970. "Spain". London: Ernest Benn Ltd.
*Paredes, Javier (coord.), "Historia contemporánea de España (siglo XX)," Ariel Historia, Barcelona 1998.
* Payne, Stanley G. 1999. "Fascism in Spain. 1923-1977". Madison, WI: Wisconsin University.
* Preston, Paul. 1990. "The Politics of Revenge. Fascism and the Military in Twentieth-Century Spain". London. Unwin Hyman.
* Preston, Paul. 1993. "Franco. A Biography". London: HarperCollins.
* Salgado Araujo, Francisco Franco, "Mis conversaciones privadas con Franco," Col. Espejo de España, Ed. Planeta, 1976.
*Tusell, Javier. "Manual Historia de España: Siglo XX", Historia 16, Madrid, 1990.
*Various Authors, (Manuel Ferrer, José de Armas, José Lino Feo, Manuel Fernández Areal, Charles Powell, Alfonso Ascanio), "Franquismo y transición democrática: Lecciones recientes de Historia reciente de España," Centro de Estudios de Humanidades, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1993.


*Francisco Ponz, [http://iniciativas-opus-dei.evangelizando.org/libros/encuentro_fundador_opus_dei.htm Mi encuentro con el fundador del Opus Dei]
*Flavio Capucci, [http://iniciativas-opus-dei.evangelizando.org/libros/milagros.htm Milagros de nuestro tiempo]
*Dominique Le Tourneau, [http://iniciativas-opus-dei.evangelizando.org/libros/opus-dei.htm Opus Dei]
*William West, [http://iniciativas-opus-dei.evangelizando.org/libros/opus-dei-ficcion-realidad.htm Opus Dei. Ficción y realidad]
*Pedro Casciaro, [http://iniciativas-opus-dei.evangelizando.org/libros/sognad_quedareis_cortos.htm Soñad y os quedareis cortos]
*Manuel Monteiro de Castro, [http://www.cyara.net/opusdei/_opus_dei/0000001c.htm Josemaría Escrivá fue un "extraordinario hijo de la Iglesia"] (31-1-2002)- Testimony of the Nuncio of Spain
*"La aventura de ser santo", Miguel Ángel Cárceles
*"El hombre de Villa Tevere", Pilar Urbano
*"El Fundador del Opus Dei", Andrés Vázquez de Prada
* del Carmen Tapia [http://www.opuslibros.org/libros/Tras_umbral/capitulo_I.htm Tras el umbral, una vida en el Opus Dei (Un viaje al fanatismo)] .Ed. B
* Isabel de Armas [http://www.opuslibros.org/libros/Ser_mujer/indice.htm Ser mujer en el Opus Dei] .Foca
*E.B.E. (18 de mayo de 2005) [http://www.opuslibros.org/escritos/obra_como_ebe.htm La Obra como enfermedad (y a veces mortal)]
*Ana Azanza . (2004) [http://opuslibros.org/nuevaweb/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1766 Diecinueve años de mi vida caminando en una mentira: OPUS DEI] El olivo
*E.B.E. (2004) [http://www.opuslibros.org/html/santa%20extorsion.htm LaSanta Extorsión]
* Michael Walsh [http://www.opuslibros.org/libros/Mundo_secreto/capitulo_1.htm El mundo secreto del Opus Dei] Plaza & Janes
* Amapola: 4 años en el Opus Dei como numeraria auxiliar [http://www.opuslibros.org/PDF/Amapola.pdf pdf]
* María Angustias Moreno, El Opus Dei, Anexo a una historia [http://www.opuslibros.org/anexo_historia.pdf pdf]
* María Angustias Moreno, La otra cara del Opus Dei [http://www.opuslibros.org/otra_cara.pdf pdf] *
* Alberto Moncada, Historia oral del Opus Dei [http://www.opuslibros.org/historia_oral.pdf pdf]
* Alberto Moncada, [http://www.opuslibros.org/libros/hijos_padre/indice.htm Los hijos del padre]
* Garriga, Ramón. 1977. "El Cardenal Segura y el Nacional-Catolicismo". Barcelona: Planeta.
* Gustavo, 2004 [http://www.opuslibros.org/libros/loqueelopus_sellevo.htm Lo que el opus se llevó]

External links

Catholic Church sites and sites supporting Opus Dei:

* [http://www.vatican.va/latest/documents/escriva_pontefici_en.html The Vatican, Opus Dei and Josemaria Escriva]
* [http://www.ewtn.com/library/CURIA/CBISUTSI.HTM Papal Bull "Ut Sit" Establishing the Personal Prelature of Opus Dei and the Vatican Declaration on Opus Dei]
* [http://www.opusdei.org/art.php?w=32&p=4761 Benedict XVI on Escriva and Opus Dei]
* [http://gabriel.mps.ohio-state.edu/od/opus.dec "Christifideles Omnes", Papal Decree on Escriva's Heroic Virtues]
* [http://www.opusdei.org Opus Dei Official Site]
* [http://en.romana.org Romana, the Opus Dei Prelature's Bulletin]
* [http://www.escrivaworks.org/ Writings of Josemaría Escrivá]
* [http://www.opusdei.org/art.php?w=32&p=7017 "The Da Vinci Code" - Opus Dei Responds]
* [http://www.josemariaescriva.info/index.php?id_cat=330&id_scat=329 Documents About Opus Dei and its founder]
* [http://www.catholic-hierarchy.org/diocese/dqod0.html Catholic Hierarchy: Data about the Prelature]
* [http://www.ewtn.com/library/PRIESTS/TRIGOPUS.HTM EWTN page on Opus Dei]
* [http://gabriel.mps.ohio-state.edu/opusdei.htm Opus Dei Files]
* [http://www.catholicleague.org/research/opusdei_factandfiction.htm Opus Dei: Fact and Fiction, a publication of the Catholic League]
* [http://www.the-tidings.com/2005/0121/opusdei.htm Opus Dei: Fact and Fiction, an article in Tidings.com]
* [http://www.ideasrapidas.org/opusdeii.htm Opus Dei: Quick Facts]
* [http://opusdeisites.tripod.com/ Opus Dei Corporate Works]
* [http://www.geocities.com/opusdeicatholicsources/ Opus Dei: Catholic Sources]
* [http://www.opusmembers.com/ Opus Members] - members testimonies
* [http://www.catholicity.com/mccloskey/ McCloskey's Perspectives] - website of writer Fr. McCloskey, priest of Opus Dei
* [http://www.ewtn.com/library/SPIRIT/OD_SHAW.TXT Ordinary Christians in the World]
* [http://www.ewtn.com/library/SPIRIT/OPUSLIFE.TXT Opus Dei In Everyday Life]
* [http://www.opusdeioverview.org/ Holiness in Daily Life]
* [http://www.harambee2002.org/ Harambee 2002]
* [http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=26013 Opus Dei: Its Mission, Structure and Members] -- from Zenit News Agency
* [http://www.geocities.com/info_opus_dei/opus-dei-en.htm Opus Dei Information Handbook]
* [http://www.escriva.it/Index.php Opus Dei...Tutta la verità] - Italian website on "Opus Dei...The Whole Truth"
* [http://www.alleanzacattolica.org/indici/articoli/introvignem229.htm L'Opus Dei e il movimento anti-sette] - Opus Dei and the anti-cult movement (in Italian)
* [http://www.pontealdia.net/ Opus Dei: Verdades, criticas y secretos] - Spanish website on "Opus Dei: Truths, criticisms and secrets"
* [http://www.cyara.net/opusdei/ Opus Dei: documentos, artículos y testimonios sobre el Opus Dei y su fundador]
* [http://www.ewtn.com/library/CHRIST/ORSECTS.HTM Cardinal Schönborn: "Are there sects in the Catholic Church?]
* [http://soydelopusdei.blogspot.com Soy del Opus Dei] -- An Opus Dei member tells experiences and answer questions
* [http://dudasytextos.com/soydelopusdei.htm FAQ about Opus Dei] -- Spanish FAQ about Opus Dei
* [http://www.conelpapa.com/libro/bibliografia.htm 99 books about Opus Dei] - Spanish books
* [http://www.opusdeiblogs.org Opus Dei Blogs] - central hub of internet sources

ites critical of Opus Dei:

* [http://www.odan.org/ Opus Dei Awareness Network]
* [http://www.mond.at/opus.dei/opus.dei.uo.faq.html The Unofficial Opus Dei FAQ] - from a communists' point of view [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Mond]
* [http://www.opuslibros.org Opus Libros] , created by alleged former Opus Dei numeraries (in Spanish)
* [http://www.prevensectes.com/opusdei.htm Opus Dei: links, press reports, critical witnesses] (in French)
* [http://www.opuslivre.org// Opus Dei in Brazil] (in Portuguese)
* [http://www.mond.at/opus.dei/ Opus Dei - The Unofficial Homepage] compiled by a communist [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Mond]
* [http://www.ianpaisley.org/article.asp?ArtKey=opusdei The Rising Spectre] - allegations from Ian Paisley's European Institute for Protestant Studies
* [http://www.americamagazine.org/articles/martin-opusdei.cfm Opus Dei in the United States] 1995 article in "America" magazine by Jesuit Fr. James Martin
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4249444.stm Decoding secret world of Opus Dei] BBC News
* [http://www.opuslibros.org/libros/Mundo_secreto/comentario.htm Online Bibliography of Michael Walsh, "Opus Dei: An Investigation into the Powerful Secretive Society within the Catholic Church"]


* [http://www.heights.edu/ The Heights School] - a private prep school for boys in Potomac, MD, USA


* [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7288539/site/newsweek/ Decoding Opus Dei]
* [http://dmoz.org/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denominations/Catholicism/Organizations/Opus_Dei DMOZ Opus Dei directory]
* [http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/dei.html University of Virginia Religious Movements Homepage Project article on Opus Dei]
* [http://www.ewtn.com/library/SPIRIT/NEWWAY.HTM Inside the Vatican: A New Way for the Church?]
* [http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft9805/reviews/royal.html Books in Review: Opus Dei]


*"Opus Dei unveiled". (2006). History Channel. – directed and produced by George Tzimopoulos and Bill Brummel Productions
* [http://www.saltandlighttv.org/prog_special_opus_dei_decoding_gods_work.html"Opus Dei: Decoding God's Work"] . (June 2006). Salt and Light Catholic Television. Co-directed with Marc Boudignon
* [http://www.opusdei.us/art.php?p=14246"Saint of Ordinary Life"] . – by Alberto Michelini

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