- Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity satellite
soil moisture and ocean salinity measurements are needed to better understandEarth ’swater cycle andclimate . Currently, there is no thorough dataset on soil moisture or ocean salinity. Currentsatellite s operated byNASA have provided information to Global modeling projects, likeGEWEX . Soil moisture content is not used routinely in forecasting models. In addition soil moisture accuracy may help better to understandcrop yield s over a wider region [http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/04/080424152254.htm How Dry We Are: European Space Agency To Test Earth's Soil Moisture Via Satellite] -Science News, Science Daily] Such projects have determined that soil moisture was one precondition to the Great Flood of 1993 (Upper Mississippi, Lower Missuouri, and Upper Red rivers).SMOS Project Team, [http://ursi-f-2005.jrc.it/fullpapers/URSI-F-2005-Art_6.1.pdf The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Mission] European Space Agency] The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity Satellite (SMOS) is an part of ESA'sLiving Planet Programme . [http://www.esa.int/esaLP/ESAMBA2VMOC_LPsmos_0.html ESA's water mission SMOS] European Space Agency] In addition to providing better extreme weather forcasting SMOS is also designed to monitor snow and ice accumulation. The mission uses new and more sensitive instruments in hopes of gathering precise information.The project was proposed by
CESBIO toEarth Explore Opportunity Missions in November of 1998. In 2004 the project passed EAS-phase "C/D". [http://www.cesbio.ups-tlse.fr/us/indexsmos.html The Living Planet Program Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (MIRAS on RAMSES)] Mission SMOS at Centre d'Etudes Spatailes de la BIOsphere (CESBIO)] The launch, once scheduled for October 2008 has been delayed, as of March 14th 2008 scheduled between April and July of 2009.Mecklenburg S, Kerr Y, Font J and Hahne A. [http://www.cosis.net/abstracts/EGU2008/01922/EGU2008-A-01922.pdf?PHPSESSID= "The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Mission - An overview"] . Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, 2008, ]Importance and Design
Soil moisture is an important aspect of climate, and therefore forecasting. Plants, like trees transpire water from depths lower than 1 meter in many places. Satellites like SMOS can only provide moisture content down to a few centimeters, but using repeated measurements in a day the satellite can extrapolate soil moisture. These calculations are based on the difference in soil moisture from dawn to dusk. The SMOS team of ESA hope to work with farmers around the world, including the USDA scientist in the US Midwest to use as ground based calibration for models determining soil moisture. The goal of the SMOS mission is to monitor surface soil moisture with an accuracy of 4% (at 35-50 km
spatial resolution ). This aspect is managed by the HYDROS project. Project Aquarius will attempt to monitor sea surface salinity with an accuracy of 0.1 psu (10-30 day average and a spatial resolution of 200 km x 200 km).Instrumentation
The SMOS unit will carry an instrument capable of observing both soil moisture and ocean salinity. A new instrument called MIRAS has been developed for this satellite. The instrument creates images of radiation emitted in the
microwave L-band (1.4 GHz). MIRAS is a form of 2-D interferometricradiometer . MIRAS is "Microwave Imaging Radiometer with Aperture Synthesis)"] It will primarily measurebrightness temperature fields from which 3 to 5 cm soil moisture [cite journal | last = Kerr | first = Y.H. | coauthors = P. Waldteufel, J.-P. Wigneron, J. Martinuzzi, J. Font, M. Berger | title = Soil moisture retrieval from space: the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission | journal = Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on | volume = 39 | issue = 8 | pages = 1729–1735 | date = August 2001 | url = http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=942551 | doi = 10.1109/36.942551] and sea surface salinity will be derived aslevel 2 product s.whatPlatform and Ride
The SMOS satellite as of 2005 will be carry on the Proteus (
CNES -Alcatel Space industries). A small platform (1 m3}, the Proteus has become a 'spacecraft bus' for many missions. The satellite will be carried to an orbit of 763 km above the earth on “Rockot ”, a modified RussianIntercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM)SS-19 launched from a decommissioned SS-19 launcher from Northern Russia'sPlesetsk Cosmodrome . SMOS may share its ride withProba-2 a technology demonstration satellite. [ [http://www.eurockot.com/alist.asp?cnt=20040811&main=3&subm=97# ESA's Salty Mission from Plesetsk in 2008] The Rockot Missions. Eurolaunch Launch Service Provider]Operations and Ground Segment
CNES Satellite Operations Ground Segment (Toulouse, France) will operate the spacecraft with telecommuncations from ESA S-band facility (Kiruna ,Sweden ). The Data Processing Ground Segment (CDTI ,Villafranca ,Spain ) will process SMOS data (X-band ). Higher level processing of information will be done by scientist globally.References
External links
* [http://www.esa.int/esaLP/LPsmos.html ESA] - SMOS page.
* [http://www.smos.zmaw.de/ SMOS Project Germany]
* [http://www.smos.com.pt SMOS Processor Prototype Page]
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