

Nauta is a bustling small town situated in the northeastern area of the Peruvian Amazon roughly 100 km south of the Province's capital, Iquitos. Established by Manuel PacayaSamiria--a leader of the Cocama peoples following the 1830 uprising at the Jesuit mission of Lagunas, Nauta soon became the primary commercial hub of the Peruvian selva baja (known also as Omagua, or the Amazonian lowlands) (See William Smyth and Frederick Lowe, 1836:204, 258). In 1853, a Brazilian owned steam propelled paddle-wheeler made it all the way to the town of Nauta, located on the north bank of the major Upper Amazonian tributary, the Marañón River, a few miles from the confluence of the Río Ucayali (Edward Mathews, 1879). Nauta is the primary destination of the only major road leading out of Iquitos, and is a staging area for several ecotourism lodges and ships on the Marañòn River.

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