- Hemiramphus
image_width = 240px
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Actinopterygii
ordo =Beloniformes
familia = Hemiramphidae
genus = "Hemiramphus"
genus_authority =Cuvier ,1816
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text."Hemiramphus" is a
genus of schoolingmarine fish commonly called halfbeaks, garfish, or ballyhoos, and are members of the family Hemiramphidae. They inhabit the surface of warm temperate andtropical sea , and feed onalgae ,plankton , and smaller fish. "Hemiramphus" species are edible but are more important as food fish for largerpredatory species includingdolphinfish andbillfish .Species
Hemiramphus brasiliensis " -Ballyhoo
"Hemiramphus balao " -Balao halfbeak
"Hemiramphus far " -Blackbarred halfbeak
"Hemiramphus lutkei ""Hemiramphus marginatus " -Yellowtip halfbeak
"Hemiramphus robustus " -Three-by-two garpike
"Hemiramphus saltator " -Longfin halfbeak References
*FishBase genus|genus=Hemiramphus|year=2007|month=Mar
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