- List of Colombian cuisine dishes
Below is a list of dishes found in
Colombian cuisine .Appetizers and Side Dishes
Arroz con coco
*Aborrajado (deep fried plantains stuffed with cheese)
*Hormigas culonas or santandereanas
*Hogao (Criollo sauce)Breads
*Bollos (tube-like food made of ground maize -similar to Italian polenta- or from scratched mandioc -yuca-, served with coastal cheese and sometimes suero or butter)
*Pandeyuca (Baked cheese bread made with yucca flour)
*Empanada s
*Carimañolas (like empanadas but made up ofmanioc )
*Pan de Sagú
*Pan de Maíz (cornbread)
*Achiras del Huila
*Bizcocho de Cuajada
*Roscón (a soft and sweet bagel filled with either arequipe or bocadillo)
*ColombinaVarieties of Arepa
*Arepas de chocolo (sweet corn)
*Arepa Paisa/Antioqueña
*Arepa Santandereana
*Arepa de yuca
*Arepa de maiz
*Arepa ocañera
*Arepa de queso
*Arepa Boyacense
*Brown rice and sesame seed arepa
*Arepa de arroz
*Arepa Valluna
*Arepa de gatoMain Courses
Bandeja Paisa , a traditional dish from the Paisa region, consists of white rice, red beans, ground beef, plantain,dirty rice chorizo (ormorcilla ),chicharron ,arepa ,avocado and a fried egg. Along with "Ajiaco ", the bandeja paisa is considered to be one of the national dishes.
*Sancocho , is a popular soup originating from the Cauca Valley region. It combines vegetables and poultry or fish with recipes differing from one region to the other, but usually containsyuca ,maize , and is frequently eaten withbanana slices.
*"Cuchuco" is a thick soup made of wheat,habas , potatoes, ribs, peas, fromBoyacá .
Agua de Panela is made by dissolvingpanela (a kind ofsugarloaf ) in hot water. Lime juice may be added for flavor. It is common for Colombians to put cheese in their aguapanela for it to melt.
*Aguardiente is alcoholic drink derived from sugarcane. It is widely consumed at Colombian parties, and ranges in potency from 20º to 40º. Aguardiente is a variation of the Spanish alcoholic drink.
*Guarapo is made from various fruits kept in a large ceramic jar and left to ferment for about 2 months. Within that time, panela is added into the liquid to makes the alcohol stronger. Grapes and pineapple are typically used. Guarapo is very similar to Chicha.
*Champús is a thick drink made from corn, pineapple, lulo, and other ingredients.
*Chocolate - Colombian hot chocolate is made with milk, water, and bars of semi-sweet chocolate. A special metal pitcher is used for heating and pouring, and a utensil called a molinillo - essentially a stick with paddles at the end - is used for stirring and frothing. Colombian hot chocolate often includes cinnamon.
*Chicha is a formerly forbidden strong alcoholic beverage originally made by the indigenous peoples of the Andes. It can be prepared from virtually everything, but is typically made from corn.
*Canelazo is an alcoholic version ofaguapanela mixed with cinnamon andaguardiente . Sugar is rubbed on the edges of the glass when served.
*Refajo is a beverage made by mixing "Kola Hipinto"(in santanderian region) or "Colombiana" , a soda very similar toIrn-Bru or cream soda, with beer or rum.*Colombia is also known world-wide for its exquisite coffee, which is considered to have a flavor unmatched by any other.
*Salpicón (which literally means large splash) is made from diced fruit and soda.
*Lulada is a drink originating from Cali. It is prepared from lulo and has the texture and consistency of a smoothie.Other drinks include:
*Pony Malta (A carbonated malt non-alcoholic beverage)
*Chirrinche (Distillated guarapo)
*Biche (Alcoholic drink of afrocolombians made up with unripe sugarcane)
*Guandiolo (From the caribbean and northern Antioquia)
*an Afrocolombian drink made withBorojo fruit that has allegedaphrodisiac properties)
*Sabajón (Sweet and creamy from the Cordillera Oriental)
*Salpicón: sliced fruit in a glass mixed with Colombiana. Usually an appetizer or dessert.
*Mandarina (Mandarin orange)
*Zapote (Sapote)
*Lulo (Naranjilla)
*Curuba (banana passionfruit)
*Mamoncillo (Spanish lime)
*Uchuva (Cape gooseberry)
*Feijoa (Pineapple guava)
*Granadilla (Sweet granadilla)
*Mamey (Mamey sapote)
*Guama (Ice cream bean)
*Tomate de árbol (Tamarillo)
*Arasá (in the amazon region)
*Chirimoya (Cherimoya)
*Guanábana (Soursop)
*Maracuyá (Passion fruit)
*Chontaduro (Peach-palm)
*Mora (Blackberry or Mulberry)
*Guayabamanzana (Guava-apple hybrid)
*Murrapos (Mini-bananas)
*Níspero (Loquat)
*Pitahaya (Dragon fruit)
*Banana leaves are very common in Colombian cuisine with foods such as quesillos (cheese wrapped in banana leaves) and tamales.
*A rare fruit called Asbonaci is also consumedDesserts and Sweets
*Crepesee Also
Cuisine of Colombia External Links
* [http://www.cookbookwiki.com/Colombia#Overview_of_Colombian__Cuisine_History Recipes Wiki on Colombian cuisine.]
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