Driss Debbagh

Driss Debbagh

Driss Debbagh (in arabic : إدريس الدباغ) (Born November 7, 1921 in Marrakech, Morocco, died in 1986), was a Moroccan ambassador to Italy (1959-1961) and Knight of the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy, and a minister of commerce, industry, mining and merchant navy (from June 1963 to November 1963). He was also vice-president and chairman of Banque Commerciale du Maroc through a private company NAMIRI S.A. of which he held 93% of the shares at the moment of his death.


Sharif Driss Debbagh was the son of Sharif Tayed ibn Brahim Debbagh and his second wife Zahra bint Mohammed Soussi. He was fluent in Berber, Arabic, French, English and Italian. He lived in France in the end of the 40's and he received a bachelor in chemical engineering in 1950 from L'École Nationale Supérieur des Arts et Industries Textiles de Roubaix, France. He returned to Morocco and became the president of the royal federation of aeronautic sports in 1957, and president of the CJP (Centre des Jeunes Patrons) the same year.



Driss Debbagh while Ambassador of Morocco to Italy meeting the president of Italia Giovanni Gronchi (circa 1960)


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