Selberg class

Selberg class

In mathematics, the Selberg class S is an axiomatic definition of the class of "L"-functions. The members of the class are Dirichlet series which obey four axioms that seem to capture the essential properties satisfied by most functions that are commonly called "L"-functions or zeta-functions. Although the exact nature of the class is conjectural, the hope is that the definition of the class will lead to a classification of its contents and an elucidation of its properties, including insight into their relationship to automorphic forms and the Riemann hypothesis. The class was defined by Atle Selberg in 1991.


The formal definition of the class "S" is the set of all Dirichlet series

:F(s)=sum_{n=1}^infty frac{a_n}{n^s}

that satisfy four axioms:

:"(i)" Analyticity: the function (s-1)^mF(s) is an entire function of "s" for some non-negative integer "m".

:"(ii)" Ramanujan conjecture: the elements show limited growth, so that a_n < n^{r+epsilon} for some fixed positive real number "r" and any &epsilon; &gt; 0.

:"(iii)" Functional equation: there is a gamma factor of the form

::gamma(s)=e^{iphi}Q^sprod_{i=1}^n Gamma (omega_is+mu_i):where &phi; is real, "Q" real and positive, &Gamma; is the gamma function, the "eigenvalues" omega_i real and positive, and the mu_i complex with non-negative imaginary part, so that the function

::Phi(s) = gamma(s) F(s),



:"(iv)" Euler product: The coefficients a_n are a multiplicative series, with a_1=1 and F(s) can be written as a product over primes:

::F(s)=prod_{p inmathbb{P F_p(s),

:when Re "s" &gt; 1 and mathbb{P} is the set of all primes, with F_p(s) being expressible as

::F_p(s)=sum_{n=0}^infty frac{a_{p^n{p^{ns

:when Re "s" &gt; 0. In addition, when re-written in the form

::log F(s)=sum_{n=1}^infty b_n n^{-s},

:one must have the condition that b_n for some heta<1/2 and every epsilon>0.


The condition that the real part of mu_i be positive is because there are known "L"-functions that do not satisfy the Riemann hypothesis when mu_i is zero or negative. Specifically, there are Maass cusp forms associated with exceptional eigenvalues, for which the Ramanujan-Peterssen conjecture holds, and have a functional equation, but do not satisfy the Riemann hypothesis.

The condition that heta<1/2 is important, as the heta=1/2 case includes the Dirichlet eta-function, which violates the Riemann hypothesis.

Note that for the case of automorphic "L"-functions, the F_p(s) are polynomials of degree independent of "p".


* Atle Selberg, "Old and new conjectures and results about a class of Dirichlet series", Collected Papers, vol 2, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1991)

* J. Brian Conrey and Amit Ghosh, " [ On the Selberg class of Dirichlet series: small degrees] ", Duke Math. J. 72 no.3 (1993) pp. 673-693

* M. Ram Murty, " [ Selberg's Conjectures and Artin L-functions] ", Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 31 (1994), 1-14.

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