- Fertile material
Fertile material is a term used to describe
nuclides which generally themselves do not undergo induced fission (fissionable by thermalneutrons ) but from whichfissile material is generated by neutron absorption and subsequent nuclei conversions. Fertile materials that occur naturally which can be converted into afissile material by irradiation in a reactor include:
*thorium-232 which converts intouranium-233
*uranium-234 which converts intouranium-235
*uranium-238 which converts intoplutonium-239 Artificial isotopes formed in the reactor which can be converted intofissile material by one neutron capture include:
*plutonium-238 which converts intoplutonium-239
*plutonium-240 which converts intoplutonium-241 Some otheractinides need more than one neutron capture before arriving at an isotope which is both fissile and long-lived enough to probably be able to capture another neutron and fission instead of decaying.
*plutonium-242 toamericium -243 tocurium -244 tocurium -245
*uranium-236 toneptunium -237 toplutonium-238 toplutonium-239
*americium -241 tocurium -242 tocurium -243 (or, more likely, curium-242 decays to plutonium-238, which also requires one additional neutron to reach a fissile nuclide)Since these require a total of 3 or 4 thermal neutrons to eventually fission, and a thermal neutron fission generates only about 2 to 3 neutrons, these nuclides represent a net loss of neutrons. In afast reactor , they may require fewer neutrons to achieve fission, as well as producing more neutrons when they do fission.A
fast breeder reactor, a reactor with little or noneutron moderator and hence utilisingfast neutron s, can be configured to produce more fissile material than it consumes, using fertile material in a blanket around the core, or contained in specialfuel rod s. Sinceplutonium-238 ,plutonium-240 andplutonium-242 are fertile, accumulation of these and other nonfissile isotopes is less of a problem than inthermal reactor s, which cannot burn them efficiently.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.